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Janice Boer <br />MUNICIPAL. PROCEDURES ANALYST <br />9 1 2 N O R T H L O W E L L <br />S A N T A A N A, C A L I F O R N I A <br />543 -4808 <br />"Be more caref u1 in lending your name than ,you would be in lending <br />your money ". Coming from frugal Benjamin Franklin, this was a very <br />portentous admonition. He later added that "history is often merely a <br />record of men's mistakes ". <br />Today you men are being asked to lend the city's name to a financing <br />procedure which disenfranchises all of the people of Orange County. No <br />longer will they have any say in what buildings may be built on the present <br />and future civic center area. Inherent in this decision is the fact that <br />it will bind future city councils and future voters, perhaps against their <br />will; for once the county contracts with the Authority for courthouse <br />construction the city has irrevocably committed itself to a fifty -year <br />contract with the bond - holders. You may never implement any city buildings; <br />but you can never forbid further county buildings. You cannot forbid the <br />Authority to enter into a lease agreement with the state, the federal <br />government or any other public agency if the construction is on land not <br />belonging to the city. <br />Not long ago the U.S, Supreme Court, twelve men who have assumed unto <br />themselves the power to play God, silenced the voices of millions of persons <br />living in small cities and counties. They did this by decreeing that we <br />should have re- apportionment. For this they will be remembered by many <br />with bitterness for many years to come, <br />Today the city council faces a similar decision. Seven men can make <br />a majority decision which can forever disenf ranchise the voters of Orange <br />County in regard to the financing of public buildings in and around the <br />Civic Center. Public buildings take a mammoth bite out of our tax dollars, <br />but at the very beginning of the public building boom the people are quite <br />effectively silenced by your vote. <br />To many with whom I have spoken it appears that the establishment of <br />this Authority is merely a means by which an uneconomical County can get <br />its hands on the assets of a city which in the past has been noted for <br />being thrifty. They appear to be enticing us down that "wide, wide road" <br />with the glittering bait of "Go thou, and do likewise ". I trust that in <br />this case the council will have the wisdom to reject the bait and recognize <br />it for what it is. <br />�Fy <br />Januar <br />� 7 , 1 X65 <br />� <br />� �' � .r � L <br />,� - <br />��.� <br />_ <br />r=�� ��., <br />__ _- - <br />� -. -cam <br />Santa Ana City Council <br />City Hal l <br />�/1� � �' �Q <br />Ana, <br />`��`� - <br />Santa California <br />�`��w_,___y. <br />---------------- <br />Gentlemen: <br />1. ±- .�.:�� <br />'��- t iC C����`��;� <br />"Be more caref u1 in lending your name than ,you would be in lending <br />your money ". Coming from frugal Benjamin Franklin, this was a very <br />portentous admonition. He later added that "history is often merely a <br />record of men's mistakes ". <br />Today you men are being asked to lend the city's name to a financing <br />procedure which disenfranchises all of the people of Orange County. No <br />longer will they have any say in what buildings may be built on the present <br />and future civic center area. Inherent in this decision is the fact that <br />it will bind future city councils and future voters, perhaps against their <br />will; for once the county contracts with the Authority for courthouse <br />construction the city has irrevocably committed itself to a fifty -year <br />contract with the bond - holders. You may never implement any city buildings; <br />but you can never forbid further county buildings. You cannot forbid the <br />Authority to enter into a lease agreement with the state, the federal <br />government or any other public agency if the construction is on land not <br />belonging to the city. <br />Not long ago the U.S, Supreme Court, twelve men who have assumed unto <br />themselves the power to play God, silenced the voices of millions of persons <br />living in small cities and counties. They did this by decreeing that we <br />should have re- apportionment. For this they will be remembered by many <br />with bitterness for many years to come, <br />Today the city council faces a similar decision. Seven men can make <br />a majority decision which can forever disenf ranchise the voters of Orange <br />County in regard to the financing of public buildings in and around the <br />Civic Center. Public buildings take a mammoth bite out of our tax dollars, <br />but at the very beginning of the public building boom the people are quite <br />effectively silenced by your vote. <br />To many with whom I have spoken it appears that the establishment of <br />this Authority is merely a means by which an uneconomical County can get <br />its hands on the assets of a city which in the past has been noted for <br />being thrifty. They appear to be enticing us down that "wide, wide road" <br />with the glittering bait of "Go thou, and do likewise ". I trust that in <br />this case the council will have the wisdom to reject the bait and recognize <br />it for what it is. <br />�Fy <br />