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group basis or prior to the layoff event. Fortunately, for this application several RR surveys have been <br />conducted by the Multi- Sector Partners, which document a range of occupations affected by mass <br />dislocations, worker education levels, skills, and retraining needs. Rapid Response survey summaries <br />from 11 of the participating LWIAs are included in this application (see Attachment C). Group surveys <br />from other participating WIBs are currently in progress, were not feasible at the time of the dislocation <br />event, or are pending. <br />Some workers who are unable to receive early RR assistance nevertheless make contact with a local <br />One -Stop career center to obtain what is in some cases badly needed employment assistance. In these <br />cases, an objective assessment of the worker's basic skills, career interests, and vocational aptitudes is <br />crucial. Several of the One -Stop career centers funded by Multi- Sector Partners are in contact with <br />eligible DWs who recently attended a One -Stop career center orientation and /or filed for <br />unemployment insurance with the California EDD. Eligible workers identified as a result of such post - <br />layoff contacts have been included in this grant application in addition to those identified during RR. <br />Several of the layoffs identified in this application: <br />• Occurred within the four -month period preceding the date of this application —many of these <br />layoff events are scheduled to occur over several months; <br />• Were announced or began prior to the four -month look -back period but will roll out in phases <br />over several weeks and months extending beyond the date of this application.; and <br />• Occurred prior to the four - months preceding the date of this application. In these cases, eligible <br />job seekers have had recent contact with one or more local One -Stop career centers in their <br />communities and /or they are receiving DW formula funded services initiated by their local One - <br />Stop center. <br />The Multi- Sector Partners plan aggressive outreach campaigns in their communities to reach eligible <br />DWs who have yet to receive retraining and employment services. Eligible job seekers already identified <br />through RR but not enrolled in the DW Program will be enrolled immediately. Other workers enrolled in <br />the DW Program, but not funded for an Individual Training Account (ITA) or other employment <br />assistance will be: 1) be informed of the NEG assistance available to them under this project; and 2) <br />enrolled in an allowable retraining component as soon as possible. Outreach will include: <br />• Radio and television public service announcements <br />• One -Stop career center lobby advertising <br />• One -Stop customer orientations <br />• Newspaper ads <br />• E -mail blasts to One -Stop partner offices, and <br />• Follow -up contact with employers receiving assistance under this NEG <br />16 <br />