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• Assisting workers to quickly return to productive positions in the labor force; <br />• Assisting employers to explore alternatives to layoffs through human resource solutions; <br />• Reducing the social and economic burdens of unemployment on employers, workers, and the <br />community; and <br />• Providing communities, workforce investment partners, employers, and workers with timely and <br />pertinent information to anticipate and profit from economic development opportunities. <br />Required RR activities include: <br />• Immediate and on -site contact with the employer, worker reps. and the community; <br />• The provision of information and access to unemployment compensation benefits; <br />comprehensive One -Stop services, and employment and training activities, including <br />information on the TAA program and the NAFTA -TAA Program; <br />• Guidance or financial assistance in establishing a voluntary labor- management committee, or a <br />workforce transition committee comprised of employer, worker, and community reps., <br />• The provision of emergency assistance adapted to the particular closing, layoff, or disaster; and <br />• The provision of assistance to the local board and CEO(s) to develop a coordinated response to <br />the dislocation event and, as needed, to develop an application for a National Emergency Grant. <br />California EDD Directive WSD07 -2 states that, "The WIA defines RR activities as a State <br />responsibility. However, it permits states to designate another entity to carry out these <br />responsibilities." Accordingly, California uses a decentralized RR strategy under which it delegates its <br />statewide RR responsibilities and awards RR funding to local entities to defray the costs of RR services <br />provided in cooperation with the California EDD in response to local dislocation events. <br />Because California's LWIBs perform the bulk of the State's RR functions, each of the LWIBs in this <br />project has submitted ETA 9105 forms collectively identifying recent layoff events and announcements <br />that form the basis of this application. Each layoff event affects 35 or more workers and the majority <br />well exceed 50 in number. Using state - allocated RR funds, RR workshops have been conducted for <br />many of the employers and employees identified for assistance. Rapid Response workshops are planned <br />for other workers and employers as follow -up to initial employer contacts based on Worker Adjustment <br />and Retraining Notices (WARNs), other formal employer notifications, and public announcements. <br />Challenges — Early Contact With Dislocated Workers <br />Often, it is difficult to contact workers who have been scheduled for termination while they are <br />employed or at the time they are laid off. Some employers choose not to receive RR assistance while <br />others notify their local RR representatives of a layoff action only after their workers have been <br />released. Thus, information on available assistance and surveys that could otherwise help LWIAs gauge <br />participant education levels, skill - levels, career interests, and retraining needs cannot be obtained on a <br />15 <br />