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One -Stop Orientation <br />All first -time participants will receive an initial orientation to the employment and training services <br />available at their selected One -Stop career centers. One -Stop orientations provide new and prospective <br />participants information on the range of career resources and services available to help them find work. <br />Such services include, but are not limited to: <br />• Work readiness and pre - employment workshops <br />• Life skills workshops and career coaching <br />• Labor market information and on -line assessment tools <br />• Job search networking opportunities (e.g., Job Club) <br />• Job application and resume preparation assistance <br />• Interview skills development and structured employer hiring events <br />r-„r„ c,,,.,, —, <br />During Core Services, participants can receive basic assessments of their career interests, vocational <br />aptitudes, and basic skills. Group activities are available to provide participants instruction in <br />interviewing and self- directed job search techniques. Participants may also receive job placement <br />assistance from job developers at the One -Stop center. <br />Online Career Information Tools <br />Participants will be encouraged to use the U.S. Department of Labor's new online tools, " My <br />Next Move and mySkills myFuture to refine career decision - making and job search activities based <br />on their own skills and abilities, retraining, and available job openings in local labor markets with <br />above average growth rates and wage potential. Recently, Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis unveiled <br />My Next Move, which is designed to provide job seekers information on more than 900 occupations <br />and local job openings and training opportunities in a user - friendly format. Accessed at <br />http: / /, My Next Move is intended to assist all job seekers. The tool may be <br />especially useful for students, young adults, and other first -time workers as they explore potential <br />careers based on their interests. The new tool complements DOL's "mySkills myFuture" site at <br />htttp: /JmVSI(, which is designed to help those with previous work experience match <br />their existing skills to new occupations. <br />"This administration is committed to expanding opportunities for all Americans. That includes <br />ensuring all workers - -those with years of experience and those just entering the workforce - -have <br />the information they need to make informed career decisions and get good jobs," said Secretary <br />Solis recently. "By leveraging technology in a user - friendly tool, My Next Move will help those <br />seeking career guidance learn more about work opportunities in fields that are of interest to them <br />19 <br />