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lead to unsubsidized employment. These career development strategies: 1) introduce and orient <br />workers to new industries and work environments; 2) help participants develop new workplace skills <br />and refine transferable skills for new occupations; and 3) provide modest income in cases of severe <br />economic need. Unless approved by SBWIB, work experience wages will not exceed $15.00 per <br />hour and the length of a paid work experience assignment will not exceed 12 weeks. <br />Worker Re- Training <br />Today, high quality, industry - relevant training and education are in very high demand, but because <br />of the depth of the recent national recession and the resulting loss of tax revenues in California, both <br />public and private schools have cut classes and staff and limited student enrollments. One result: fewer <br />opportunities for retraining are available to dislocated workers. In response, project funding will be <br />used to purchase education and training services from qualified institutions and organizations to <br />attenuate this issue for DWs, <br />Instruction may take on a variety of formats (e.g., on -line, lecture and lab, on- the -job, etc.), and will <br />be provided by several different types of institutions listed on the California Eligible Training Provider <br />List (ETPL), including: <br />• Two -year California community colleges; <br />• California State Universities and other 4 -year institutions <br />• Community adult schools <br />• Regional occupation centers <br />• Registered apprenticeship programs <br />• Industry groups <br />• Private post- secondary schools and colleges <br />Fifty percent (50 %) of the project budget is earmarked for allowable training activities under WIA <br />DW guidelines including the use of ITAs for classroom training on an individual referral basis, OJTs, and <br />customized training. In cases where potential long -term job placement is apparent and an employer has <br />indicated intent to hire, OJT agreements may be developed. On-the-job training agreements will only be <br />developed with employers for positions where the employer has agreed to retain the participant after <br />successful completion of the OJT period. Under an OJT, the wage reimbursement to an employer to <br />offset the extraordinary costs of training a new hire will be based on the specific vocational preparation <br />level requirements of the position in question and will not exceed 90% of the hourly wage per current <br />DOL state waiver. The duration of an OJT agreement will not exceed six months in any instance. <br />Customized training may also be developed in cases where there is a need for new or specialized skill <br />21 <br />