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Supportive Services ($1,127,002) <br />The Supportive Services budget category includes costs for participant support, which will be arranged by <br />case - responsible staff at participating One -Stop career centers in accordance with local WIB policies and <br />overall compliance with the federal Workforce Investment Act, Supportive Services expenses will be <br />incurred to help participants overcome barriers to successful participation in training activities and /or <br />employment. Such expenses may include, but are not necessarily limited to: <br />• Mileage reimbursement <br />• Uniforms and tools <br />• Licensing fees <br />• Parking fees, car repairs and bus tokens <br />• Testing fees <br />• Background check fees <br />• Other allowable expenses for participant support <br />Dependent care may also be covered or leveraged from another funding source(s) consistent with local <br />supportive services policies. <br />Training ($22,540,039) <br />Many project - eligible workers will need advanced education or training. Other workers who lack the basic <br />skills needed to prepare for work in demand occupations will be enrolled in remedial education, which may <br />be provided on -line or in- person by a range of educational entities beginning with on -site One -Stop career <br />center partners. Specialized skill certifications, training for new and emerging occupations, and advanced <br />credentials and licenses will be the focus of our retraining efforts. <br />The attached RR participant surveys indicate the need for some form of skill development in nearly every <br />instance. Because re- employment can be achieved through means other than re- training (e.g., job search <br />workshops or job placement assistance) retraining services tend to be the single most - expensive cost item <br />associated with a DW. Accordingly, the proposed project budget is based on enrollment of 50% of all <br />participants (2,945) in training with the same proportion of the budget earmarked for allowable training <br />activities, which may include on- the -job training (OJT) wage reimbursements, classroom training, or <br />customized training. <br />Individual Training Accounts <br />Under Title I of WIA, job- seekers who need to develop new skills to re -enter the employed <br />workforce can use an Individual Training Account (ITA) to select their training from a pre- approved <br />list. A key tenet of the WIA is that adults and DWs who have been determined to need training may <br />access training with an ITA. With limited exceptions, all training services provided to eligible workers <br />under this project will be provided through the use of ITAs, which can be used to purchase (or <br />obligate) the costs of allowable training, which may include, but not necessarily be limited to OJTs, <br />classroom training, and customized training. <br />50 <br />