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PROJECT OPERATOR LEVEL— PROGRAM <br />Contractual: <br />Core Services ($6,762,012) <br />All participants (100 %) in the project must receive at least one unduplicated Core Service from a <br />participating One -Stop career center as a means to reconnect them to the workforce as quickly as possible <br />in the most cost effective manner. As such, every participant is expected to enroll in Core Services funded <br />by this grant. This strategy is consistent with the sequence of services requirement of the WIA in which <br />participants must receive at least one Core Service prior to enrollment into Intensive Services or training. <br />Intensive Services ($10,143,017) <br />SBWIB examined five recent program years (PY 05 -06 to 09 -10) to identify the proportion of DW Formula <br />(including ARRA) and 25% Additional Assistance participants that received at least one Intensive Service <br />from a local One -Stop career center during this period. The number enrolled in Intensive Services was <br />2,141 out of a total of 2,239 enrollments. The lowest percentage of participants receiving at least one <br />Intensive Service was 86.48% while the high was 100 %; the mid -hinge was 93.8% <br />The reason that individuals enroll in Intensive Services is that those who are inclined to enroll in a federal <br />J ob training program do so because they tend to have limited marketable skills, cannot easily find new work, <br />and are in need of in -depth career services and assistance in finding a job. The majority of job seekers who <br />are able to find work on a self- directed basis or with modest staff assistance out of Core Services are not <br />likely candidates for enrollment in a special dislocated worker project; job seekers who do are the targets of <br />this project. As noted below, the job seekers targeted for participation have expressed a need for retraining <br />in almost every instance, which can only occur after receipt of one or more Intensive Services. For this <br />reason, all participants are expected to enroll in Intensive Services. <br />According to the WIA Final Rules, "Intensive Services are listed in WIA section 134(d)(3)(C). The list in the Act <br />is not all - inclusive and other intensive services, such as out -of -area job search assistance, literacy activities <br />related to basic workforce readiness, relocation assistance, internships, and work experience may be <br />provided based on an assessment or individual employment plan." Further, the WIA Final Rules indicate that <br />"work experience is a planned, structured learning experience that takes place in a workplace for a limited <br />period of time. Work experience may be paid or unpaid, as appropriate. A work experience workplace may <br />be in the private, for profit sector, the nonprofit sector, or the public sector. Labor standards apply in any <br />work experience where an employe %mployer relationship, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act, <br />exists." <br />On a limited basis, paid work experience and paid internship activities will be arranged as short -term <br />Intensive Service strategies to connect workers to new industries and occupations and, ultimately, full -time, <br />unsubsidized employment. Such activities will be arranged on the basis that successful conclusion of a paid <br />experience assignment or internship leads to unsubsidized employment. These career development <br />strategies serve multiple purposes. They: 1) introduce and orient workers to new industries and work <br />environments; 2) help participants develop new workplace skills and refine transferable skills for new <br />occupations; and 3) provide modest income in cases of severe economic need. See Attachment F for <br />policies and procedures on paid work experience and internships. <br />