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Individual Employment Plans. Prior to training, case managers will take into account participant <br />aptitudes, career interest assessment results, and the potential for gainful, training- related <br />employment. Post - secondary institutions listed on the California Eligible Training Provider List will <br />provide classroom training itself. Case managers will monitor each student's progress through <br />regular contact. <br />Customized Training <br />Customized training is: designed to meet the special requirements of an employer (or group of <br />employers); conducted with a commitment by one or more employers to hire participants after <br />successful completion of training; and where the employer pays for not less than 50 percent of the <br />cost of the training unless approved by the State of California and Department of Labor. <br />Customized Training may be developed by individual Multi- Sector Partners in cases where there is a <br />need for new or specialized skill development, a WIA- approved provider cannot be found locally, <br />and one or more employers express the intent to hire qualified training completers. Other <br />regulations on the use of customized training, which constitute policy for this project, are found at <br />WIA Section 101(8), at Sections 663.705, 663.715, 663.720, 663.730, and in California EDD <br />Workforce Services Division Directive WSD10 -10 (see Attachment H). <br />Other: N/A <br />Indirect Charges: <br />The South Bay Workforce Investment Consortium, Inc. performs all administrative functions of the City of <br />Hawthorne -Job Training and Development Department under contract with the City of Hawthorne, <br />California, which is the grant recipient and fiscal agent for the South Bay Local Workforce Investment Area. <br />Currently, the City of Hawthorne and SBWIC, Inc. do not have a federal cognizant agency approved indirect <br />cost rate. Accordingly, NEG grant expenses will be incurred, recorded, and reported based on a cost <br />allocation plan approved by the Executive Director of the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (see <br />Attachment 1). <br />Additional Budget Information: <br />Cost Per Participant <br />The simple Average Cost Per Participant for this project is $7,658. In formulating a dislocated worker <br />project budget, it is important to examine the fully loaded cost of placing a participant in employment <br />taking into account expenses for administration, participant outreach, eligibility determination, objective <br />assessment, case management, retraining, job development, supportive services, and follow -up. The state's <br />Average Cost Per Participant of $2,297.00 in PY 08 -09 is not the most ideal basis for project budgeting <br />because it includes the costs associated with participants enrolled at One -Stop career centers statewide <br />who received minimal services prior to re- employment as well as those who required a more intensive mix <br />of services, but constituted a relatively small portion of all enrolled participants. <br />The state's Average Cost Per Entered Employment (ACEE) is a more accurate and appropriate average for <br />budget- making purposes. It is more accurate because it better reflects the real and expected costs <br />associated with individuals who tend to have greater retraining and employment needs, longer program <br />tenures, and above average service requirements. According to recent RR surveys, the majority of our <br />participants will need these services in addition to retraining and staff - assisted job placement. The State of <br />California ACEE is compared to the Multi- Sector Partners' proposed ACEE for these reasons. <br />52 <br />