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In PY 08 -09 (most recent year for which data are available) the DW Program ACEE for the State of California <br />was $10,092.00 according to the EDD Workforce Services Division. Using this figure as a base, at an annual <br />rate of 2.5 %, the State's PY 09 -10 inflation- adjusted ACEE would be $10,344.00. The proposed ACEE for this <br />project will be equal to or less than $9,571.00, a difference of minus $521.00 per participant when <br />comparing the two costs, or minus $773.00 per participant if compared to the State's inflation- adjusted <br />figure. <br />Major Budget Expenses and Enrollment Categories <br />Ten percent (10 %) of the project budget is devoted to administrative expenses, 15% is earmarked for Core <br />Services, 22.5% is budgeted for Intensive Services, 2.5% is allocated to the Supportive Services category, and <br />50% is earmarked for training. A budget allocation table is provided below. The table reflects dollar <br />allocations within the budget by major service category in addition to the percentage of the total budget <br />represented by each category, the number and percentage of enrolled participants by category, and the <br />average cost per service component. <br />Major Service Category % of # % Average <br />Budget Parts. Enrollment Cost <br />Administration 10 5,887 100 $ 766 <br />Core Services 15 5,887 100 $1,149 <br />Intensive Services 22.5 5,887 100 $1,723 <br />Supportive Services 2.5 5,301 90 $ 213 <br />Training Services 50 2,945 50 $7,654 <br />53 <br />