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The industry sector with the largest decrease is Manufacturing, which is expected to lose about 700 <br />jobs. <br />The fastest growing non -farm industry sectors, based on growth rate, are Education Services, Health <br />Care and Social Assistance (26 percent), Government (9.9 percent), and Wholesale Trade (9.8 percent). <br />The only other industry sector growing faster than the county's non -farm employment growth rate is <br />Leisure and Hospitality (9.3 percent). The Construction industry is expected to rebound during the <br />projection period but due to the large declines that occurred in 2009, this industry sector is not <br />projected to create enough jobs to return to its 2008 employment level. <br />Orange County (Anaheim, Orange County, Santa Ana) <br />2008 -2018 Projection Highlights <br />Orange County constitutes 10 percent of California's total non -farm employment and will contribute <br />about 8 percent of the state's new non -farm jobs during this period. Professional and Business Services; <br />Education Services, Health Care, and Social Assistance; and Leisure and Hospitality industry sectors will <br />generate about 67 percent of these new jobs. Also, Government and Retail Trade will add a combined <br />total of more than 23,000 new jobs. <br />The fastest growing non -farm industry sector is Education Services, Health Care and Social Assistance <br />with a rate of about 2.2 percent per year. Average annual growth rates in Professional and Business <br />Services (1.3 percent); Leisure and Hospitality (1.1 percent); Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities <br />(1 percent); and Construction (0.9 percent) will exceed the annual growth rate for total non -farm <br />employment in the county. <br />Sacramento City and County <br />2008 -2018 Sacramento,_ Placer, Yolo, and El Dorado Counties Proiection Highlights <br />The Education Services, Health Care and Social Assistance sector will generate an estimated 26,000 jobs, <br />the largest number of new jobs for the outlook period in any sector. An additional 19,600 new jobs are <br />estimated for the Professional and Business Services sector, and 19,000 new jobs are projected in the <br />Government sector. These three sectors account for 70 percent of new jobs in Non -farm employment. <br />The fastest growing non -farm industry sector is Education Services, Health Care and Social Assistance <br />with an annual average growth rate of 2.6 percent. Other major industry sectors with significant growth <br />rates are Professional and Business Services (1.8 percent) and Leisure and Hospitality (1.3 percent). The <br />growth rate of 0.8 percent for the Government sector, which dominates total employment in the region, <br />is forecasted to fall short of the one percent growth rate for the region. The Manufacturing and <br />Information sectors are expected to show negative growth rates for the projection period. <br />San Benito County <br />2008 -2018 Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Projection Highlights <br />Non -farm employment is expected to produce 91 percent of new jobs in the region. The Professional <br />and Business Services and Education, Health Care, and Social Assistance industry sectors will lead non- <br />farm employment growth, producing 51 percent of new non -farm jobs. Information is projected to be <br />.l <br />