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d. Turning off water faucets or valves after required usage has been accomplished <br />e. Complying with water bans imposed by local, state, or Federal agencies. <br />C.1.6 Vehicle Passes. The Contractor and Contractor personnel shall obtain vehicle passes from The County of Orange <br />Parking Administrator, Public Facilities & Resources Department. <br />C.1.7 Building Security. The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure buildings serviced by the Contractor are locked <br />during non -duty hours. <br />C.1.8 Security of Contractor Owned Property. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of Contractor Owned <br />Property. <br />C.1.9 Permits and Licenses. The Contractor, prior to award of contract and without additional expense to the city, shall <br />procure all necessary permits and licenses including, but not limited to, a City of Santa Ana Business License. <br />C.1.10 Obedience to Laws. Contractor shall obey and abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances, and other <br />rules of the United States of America, territory, or subdivision thereof wherein the work is done, or any other duly constituted public <br />authority. <br />C.1.11 Safety. All work performed under this contract shall be performed in a manner as to provide maximum safety to the <br />public and where applicable, comply with all safety standards required by CAL -OSHA. The Director reserves the right to issue restraint <br />or cease and desist orders to the Contractor when unsafe or harmful acts are observed or reported relative to the performance of the <br />work under this Agreement. <br />C.1.11.1 Safety Orientation for Contractor Personnel. The Contractor shall give each new employee performing under this Agreement a <br />safety orientation concerning the hazards and precautions of the job assigned upon starting work. The Contractor shall institute a <br />continual training program to make employees aware of existing hazards and all new hazards relative to work performed under this <br />Agreement. <br />C.1.11.2 Creation of Safety or Health Hazard. If the Contractor performs work in a manner that creates a safety or health <br />hazard to City or Contractor personnel or the general public, the Director may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until the <br />Contractor has taken satisfactory corrective action. No part of the lost time due to such a stop in the work shall be the subject of a claim <br />for extension or for excess costs or damages to the Contractor. <br />C.1.11.3 Protective Equipment. The Contractor shall provide its employees with protection against safety and health hazards <br />by furnishing them with all the protective equipment needed. Such equipment shall be approved for the use intended by the National <br />Institute for Occupational Safety and Health or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The Contractor shall post areas that <br />require the wearing of protective clothing or where protective equipment is necessary. <br />C.1.11.4 Material Safety Data Sheets. The Contractor shall submit to the Director or his designated representative Material <br />Safety Data Sheets for all hazardous materials proposed for use in the performance of the contract at least one week prior to actual use. <br />In addition, he shall maintain copies on-site and available for review by his employees and/or the City. <br />C.1.12 Environmental Protection. The Contractor shall comply with al I federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and <br />standards regarding the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program. <br />C.2 Definitions <br />C.2.1 Definitions of Terms. <br />Clean. Free from dirt, dust, spots, streaks, stains, smudges, litter, debris, contamination, or residue or impurities, unsoiled, unstained, or <br />recently washed. <br />