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C.1.3.5 Standards of Conduct for Contractor Personnel. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining satisfactory <br />standards of employee competency and conduct and for taking disciplinary action against his employees as necessary. No Contractor <br />employee under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other incapacitating agent shall be allowed on the jobsite. <br />The removal from the job site of a Contractor employee shall not relieve the Contractor of the requirement to provide sufficient personnel <br />to perform the work specified in the contract. <br />C.1.3.6 Uniforms. All Contractor personnel shall wear uniforms that are clean and neat and free of wrinkles, tears, holes, <br />frayed edges, spots, stains, body odor, and logos or graphics other than company identification patches. All uniforms should identify the <br />name of the Contractor. Uniforms shall be clearly distinguishable from City employee uniforms. <br />C.1.3.7 Director's Authority. The Director is the only person authorized to direct changes in any of the requirements under the <br />Agreement and, not withstanding any provisions contained elsewhere in the Agreement, and said authority remains solely in the Director, <br />In the event that the Contractor effects any such changes at the direction of any person other than the Director, the changes will be <br />considered to have been made without authority and solely at the risk of the Contractor. In addition, the Director shall have the authority <br />to accept/reject materials, workmanship and to make minor changes in work or schedule, not involving extra cost. The Director, or his <br />authorized representative shall decide all questions, which may arise as to the manner of performance and completion per schedule, <br />acceptable fulfillment of the Agreement by the Contractor, interpretation of the specifications, and compensation, including completion of <br />work by alternate sources. <br />C.1.3.8 Subcontractors <br />C. Designation of Subcontractors. In accordance with the provisions of Section 4100 and subsequent section of the Government <br />Code concerning the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act, bids on public contracts and for all work except the construction, <br />improvement, or repair of streets or highways and bridges shall include a listing of all subcontractors who will perform work or labor or <br />render service to the prime contractor's total bid. This requirement for the listing of subcontractors also extends to that portion of street <br />or highway work involving street lighting and traffic signals as noted in Section 4100.5. The portion of work, which will be done by each <br />such subcontractor, must be listed and only one such subcontractor shall be listed for each portion. <br />C. Failure to Specify Subcontractors. If the bidder fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the work to be performed <br />under the contract in excess of one-half of one percent of the bidder's total bid, he agrees to perform that portion himself. The <br />successful bidder shall not, without the written consent of the city: <br />a. Substitute any person or firm as subcontractor in place of the subcontractor designated in the original bid. <br />b. Permit any subcontract to be assigned or transferred or allow it to be performed by anyone other than the original <br />subcontractor listed in the bid. <br />C. Subcontract any portions of the work after bid is submitted if the cost thereof exceeds one-half of one percent of the total <br />bid and a subcontractor was not designated for the work in the original bid. <br />C.1.4 Hours of Operation <br />C.1.4.1 Normal Hours of Operation. Normal operating hours shall be from 6:30a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday through Saturday. <br />C.1.5 Conservation of Utilities. The Contractor shall familiarize himself and require his employees to become familiar and <br />comply with standard operating procedures that comply with conservation regulations. Compliance with Energy Conservation best <br />practice includes: <br />Instructing personnel to conserve energy by turning off unneeded equipment and utilities (including electricity and <br />water). <br />Using lights only in areas where work is actually being performed. <br />Allowing adjustment of mechanical equipment controls for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems only by <br />authorized workers. <br />