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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> engines, and paramedic vans) will reflect the City of Santa Ana's seal, in addition to the OCFA's logo, <br /> along with wording to indicate that the apparatus is serving the City of Santa Ana. <br /> 2. For the specified apparatus, OCFA will lease from the CITY at no cost, the term of such lease <br /> shall commence concurrently with this Agreement, and the term of such lease shall terminate upon <br /> retirement of the apparatus from OCFA. <br /> 3. The specified apparatus shall be incorporated into the OCFA's established vehicle rotation <br /> and replacement programs (excluding the Mass Decon Unit), preventive maintenance programs, and will <br /> be enrolled in OCFA's vehicle insurance program. <br /> <br /> 4. Each fiscal year, commencing with fiscal year 2011/12, CITY shall pay to OCFA the CITY's <br /> share of the OCFA's vehicle replacement program. For fiscal year 2011/12, the annualized amount is <br /> $475,056. The prorated monthly amount of $39,588 is included in the costs of service set out in section <br /> VII below and is subject to annual increases. <br /> 5. For purposes of the vehicle replacement program, the following useful life assumptions apply: <br /> Useful Life: <br /> Suburban - 5 years or 120,000 miles <br /> Engine - 15 years or 120,000 miles <br /> Truck -17 years or 120,000 miles <br /> Paramedic Van - 4 years or 120,000 miles <br /> 6. Upon the effective date of any termination, the value of the funds paid by the CITY as its share <br /> of the vehicle replacement program shall be returned to the CITY in an amount no greater than the funds <br /> paid by the CITY, less actual costs incurred by the OCFA for the repair, maintenance, or replacement of <br /> the specified apparatus. The value, if positive, will be returned to the City in the form of returned <br /> apparatus, a refund of payments, or a combination of both. <br /> VI. LEASE OF FIRE STATIONS: <br /> 1. CITY shall lease to OCFA and OCFA shall lease from CITY the fire stations listed in Section III <br /> pursuant to the leases set out on Attachment C. This lease will have the same term as this Agreement <br /> and the rent will be one dollar ($1) per year per station. Upon the effective date of any termination, <br /> OCFA's lease-interest in the CITY's fire stations will terminate and the fire station facilities will be returned <br /> to CITY. <br /> 2. CITY will also provide OCFA with a $15,000 revolving maintenance expense account per fire <br /> station for appliance repair/replacement and other minor station repairs and improvements pursuant to <br /> the JPA Agreement. This amount is included in the costs of service set out in section VII below. <br /> VII. COST FOR SERVICE: Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all provisions in the JPA <br /> Agreement regarding the calculation and payment of Service Charges shall apply. To the extent of any <br /> conflict between the JPA Agreement and this Agreement, the terms set forth in this Agreement shall <br /> control with regard to the CITY. <br /> 1. CITY shall pay to OCFA the sum of $6,693,634 for Fire and Emergency Medical Services <br /> under this Agreement from April 20, 2012 until June 30, 2012. Payment shall be made as follows: <br /> a. by April 20, 2012- $1,100,422 <br /> b. by May 1, 2012 - $2,796,606 <br /> C. by June 1, 2012- $2,796,606 <br /> 2. In a letter dated November 7, 2011 from the CITY Manager to the OCFA Fire Chief, the CITY <br /> requested a proposal from OCFA for the possible provision of Fire Protection and Emergency Medical <br /> Services. The amount paid by the CITY for the proposal ($75,000) has been applied to reduce the April <br /> 20, 2012 payment above from $1,175,422 to $1,100,422. <br /> Page 4 <br /> 828042.3 <br /> 60C-58 <br />