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time thereafter at the discretion of the Commission. Upon issuance by the Commission <br />of revised reporting requirements for 2010-12 related to the Program, such <br />Commission-approved reporting requirements shall replace the reporting requirements <br />set forth in Appendix B of the Statement of Work in their entirety upon written notice <br />to the Implementer, which notice shall include a copy of the revised Appendix B. <br />9.2 EM&V. The evaluators will be asked to prepare a Program logic model based upon <br />the written proposal and on interviews with the Implementer. Research issues will be <br />defined in collaboration with SCE program managers and may include questions such <br />as: How well were program activities documented? How effectively was the proposed <br />plan implemented? What could be done to improve the plan's effectiveness? Who are <br />the decision-makers, and what information did they use to make their decisions? <br />10. PAYMENTS/COMMERCIAL TERMS <br />10.1 Implementer Budget. The Implementer Budget is set forth in the Statement of <br />Work. Implementer shall not be entitled to compensation in excess of the Implementer <br />Budget without a change order issued and signed by SCE. <br />10.2 Billing. Work will be performed on a time and material basis and subject to the <br />following general provisions: <br />10.2.1 General Provisions. <br /> All charges shall be directly identifiable to, and required for <br />the Work. <br /> Any charges for overtime shall require the prior written <br />approval of the SCE Representative. Overtime rates shall be <br />authorized and charged only for non-exempt personnel. <br /> Implementer shall complete the Work within the amount <br />authorized by the Contract and in accordance with the Work <br />schedule. Implementer shall notify SCE's procurement agent <br />responsible for the Contract and the SCE Representative at <br />such time that it becomes reasonably apparent that the <br />forecasted cumulative charges will exceed any amounts <br />authorized by the Contract (whether by task, total amount of <br />Contract, or both). Implementer shall not proceed with or be <br />reimbursed for any Work performed, either beyond the <br />effective period of the Contract, or exceeding the authorized <br />amounts of the Contract, without a change order. <br />10.2.2 Labor Related Costs Under Time and Material Basis. Implementer <br />shall invoice SCE at the fixed hourly rates for the applicable labor <br />categories stated in the Contract for time spent directly engaged in <br />performance of the Work by Implementer's employees. Such fixed <br />hourly rates shall be inclusive of all of Implementer's overhead costs <br />(including all taxes and insurance), administrative and general fees, <br />and profit.