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b. 1'ayxmeut by City shall be made in one payment within thirty (3U) days after• City's acceptauce <br />of all deliverables set forth in Exhibit A_ payment nand not be made for work which fails to rxLeet the <br />standards ofperfonnartce set forth in the 12ecitals which may reasonably be expected by City. <br />5. TERM <br />This Agreement shall connnenca on the date first wx-itcen above and tetYnirtate on December 3 1, <br />2012, ualess terminated earlier in accordance with Section 14, below_ <br />6. 1NDI✓PCNDENI' COLV`I'12ACTOIi <br />Consultant shall, during the entix•e farm of this Agreement, be construed to be an independent <br />contx•actor and not an employee of the City. This Af*�•eement :is not intended nor shall it ba construed to <br />create an employer - employee xelaiYOnship, a joint venture relationship, or to allow the City to exercise <br />discretion or contaal over the professional manner in which Consultant performs the services which are <br />the subject matter of'titis Agrdurnent; however, the services to be provided by Consultant shall be <br />provided in a manner consistent with all applicable sta�udards and regLilatians governinb such services. <br />Consultant shall pay all salax•ies and wages, employer's social security taxes, unemployment insut•ance� and <br />similar taxes relatinb to .it's employees and shall be responsible far all applicable withholding taxis pertaitLing <br />to compensation paid by City. <br />7. 1NS1UI2AlYCE <br />Prior to undetYaldtig perFonnaace ofwork under this Agreement, Consultant shall .tnauitain and <br />shall requires its subcontractors, if aziy, to obtain and maintain insurance as deseribacl below: <br />Worker's Compenuttiou Insurance. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3300 of the <br />Labor Coda, Consultant, if Consultant has any employees, is required to be insured against liability for <br />worker's compensation or to undertake self- insmrance. Prior to cotrLmencing the performance ot•the work <br />Linder this AgreetnenC, Consultant abx•ves to obtain and maintain any employer's liability ina- urance with <br />limits not loss than $1,OOO,U00 par accident. <br />S. INDEIVCN IFICATION <br />Consultant agrees to and shall indemnify and !Cold harmless the City, its officers, agents, <br />employees, consultants, special counsel, and representatives from liability for lxyrsonal injury, damages, <br />just compensation, restitution, judicial or equitable relief arising; out of claims for personal injury, <br />including death, and cla; ■„� for property daanage, which ma'y arise ti•om the negligence, recklessness or <br />willful misconduct of the Consultant or its contractors, subcontractors, agents, employees, or other <br />persons acting on their behalf which relates to the services described in section 1 of this Agreement. The <br />Consultant fiu•t1Ler abrees to indeurnify, hold .harmless, and pay all costs :tor the defense of the City, <br />including fees anal costs for special cotutsel to be selected by the City, regarding any action by a third <br />party asserting personal injury, damages, just compensation, restitution, judicial or equitable raliefdue to <br />:personal or property riF;hts arising ti•om this Agreement. City may snake all reasonable decisions with <br />respect to its representation in any legal proceeding_ <br />9. CONFIDEIVTIALI'I'Y <br />if Consultant receives 'from tlxa City information which due to the nature of such informmation is <br />reasonably understood to be confidential and/or proprietary, C_onsaltaxtt agrees that it shall not use or <br />disclose such information except in the perfonmance of this Agreement, and further agrees to exercise the <br />. %L <br />