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saxxie degree of care it uses to grotaot its own infonmation of like importance, but in no event less tharx <br />reasonable cares. "Confidential In£orrrxation" shall includes all nonpublic infortnalion. Confidential <br />information includes not only written information, but also infonnatio :x transfexz•ed orally, visual:ty, <br />alactt-onically, or by other means- ConfZdential infoxznatiou disclosed 'to either party by any subsidiary <br />and/or agent of the other• party is covered by this Agreement. "1'he foregoiuxg obligations of non -uses and <br />nondisclosure shall not apply to arty information that (a) has been disclosed in publicly availabl.a sources <br />(b) is, througlx no £salt oftha Consultant disclosed in a publicly available source; (c) is in rightful <br />possession of the Consultant without an obligation of coxxtiderxtiality; (d) is required to ba disclosed by <br />operation of law; or (e) is independently developed by the Consultant without retex•erxce Co information <br />disclosed by the City. <br />1U. CONFLICT OF IlY'I'EREST CLAUSE <br />Consultant covenants that it presently has no interests and shall not have i[rterasts, direct or <br />indirect, which would conl3ict in any msinner with parforxnaiice ofservYCaS specified ender this <br />Agreement. <br />il<_ xoTlc>r. <br />.Any notice, tender, datrxanrt, delivery, or other communication pursuant to this Agreement shall <br />be in writing and shall be deemed to be properly given if delivered in parson. or m�vled by first class or <br />certified mail, postage prepaid, or sent by facsimile or other telegraphic cox�.**+■��ication in the **�?r��er <br />provided in this Section, to the following parsons: <br />To City: Clark of the Ciiy Council <br />City of $antes Ans <br />20 Civic Canter Plaza (M -30) <br />l?.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 -:1988 <br />Fax 7 1 4 - 64 769 5 6 <br />"With courtesy Copy to: <br />Executive Director of the Finance and Managc�rnent Services Agency <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Caner Plaza (M -12) <br />P.O. Aox 1988 <br />Santa Ana, California 92702 <br />Fax 714 -647 -5406 <br />To Consultant: Sherif houssa <br />Software Secured Cautus Tnc <br />3248 River Rock Avexzue <br />Napean, ON - 1C21 OT3 - Canada <br />A party rosy change its address by hiving notice in writing to the other party. Thereafter•, any <br />CO11nllljnlCatr011 shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address_ If sent by mail, cornmun.ication <br />shall be af�ecrive or deettrad to haves been given thr•ae (3) days after it has bean deposited i•n the -United <br />States mail, duly registered or certifed, with postage prepaid, and addressed as set forth above. If sent by <br />facsimile, coirnnrrnicaUion shall be etf�ctive or deemed to have bean given twenty -fom• (24) hours after <br />�� ��- <br />