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Step 2. <br />An interview by the evaluation team may be required for clarification purposes. However, <br />only the top rated Proposers will be asked to participate in the interview process. <br />Step 3. <br />Based on the evaluation of the City selection team, a recommendation will be made to the <br />City Council to authorize an agreement between the City and the selected Vendor. <br />Notification of selection will occur only after the City Council authorization action. <br />Step 4. <br />After an authorization to proceed by City Council, the City will offer the selected Vendor an <br />agreement to provide the service described in this RFP. A sample agreement can be <br />found in Appendix B. <br />7.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SPECIAL NOTE <br />7.1 Documents to be Construed Together <br />The Request for Proposal and the Agreement to be entered into between the Vendor and <br />the City, and all modifications of said documents, shall be construed together as one <br />document. <br />7.2 Errors & Omissions <br />Proposer shall not be allowed to take advantage of any errors in or omissions in the <br />Request for Proposal. Full instructions will be given if such error or omission is discovered <br />and timely called to the attention of the City. <br />7.3 Insurance <br />Proof of insurance is not required to be submitted with the proposal, but will be required <br />prior to the City's award of the contract. Proposers should carefully consider the City <br />insurance requirements and the related documentation. Proposals should be based <br />on full and complete compliance with all parts and directions. <br />7.3.1 The Vendor will be required to have the following insurance: <br />a. Commercial general liability - $1,000,000 or more covering bodily injury and <br />property damage per occurrence. <br />b. Business Auto including owned, non -owned, and hired vehicles - $1,000,000 or <br />more covering bodily injury and property damage per occurrence. <br />c. Workers' Compensation Coverage for employees, unless the Vendor is a sole <br />proprietor with NO employees. <br />City of Santa Ana Page 14 of 39 <br />