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This price proposal is intended to identify for the City every charge associated with <br />providing the services, products and operational system sought by the City and additional <br />efforts offered by the Proposer. <br />The City considers clarity in explanation/description of cost items to be critically important. <br />6.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION & SELECTION PROCESS <br />To assess qualifications in providing the services sought by the City, every Proposer must <br />complete and submit the Proposal Response Form and a Price Proposal Form (Appendix <br />A) or submit a separate response which addresses each item cited in Appendix A for <br />which they are proposing. <br />Step 1. <br />The City's procurement process is based upon open competition through a defined <br />evaluation and selection process. There are required inputs and deadlines to which <br />there are no exceptions. The City will ensure that all Proposers strictly abide by these. <br />It is the Proposer's task to demonstrate its ability to perform the specific services and <br />provide the specific products identified in this RFP. <br />Based on the information provided on the Proposal Response Form (Appendix A), each of <br />the Proposers will be evaluated by a City selection team as to their qualifications and will be <br />assigned a score. Note that proposed price is only one of several criteria. It is not the City's <br />intention to exclude very high bids or to automatically award an agreement to the Proposer <br />of the lowest price for services. <br />The City is attempting to get the best balance of service, value and price. The selection <br />recommendation will be based on the accumulated point score for all criteria. Applicants will <br />be evaluated on the following criteria with possible scoring points: <br />Table C. Evaluation Criteria <br />Criteria Possible Points <br />Qualifications to provide required services 20 <br />including experience/quality of technical service staff, account support <br />staff, & administrative support <br />[key focus: invoicing] <br />References max of three 30 <br />[key focus: client experience with similar type and quantities of equipment <br />under similar service levels complexity] <br />Service Strategy to provide required services 20 <br />including ability and methodology to execute on proposed services <br />Pricing 30 <br />Total 100 <br />City of Santa Ana Page 13 of 39 <br />Exhibit A <br />