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locations and general operating characteristics and constraints will also be documented to <br />reflect the modifications made to the Reduced Set of Alternatives as a consequence of the <br />screening analysis/approval process. <br />[Note: identification of major underground and overhead utilities will be initiated soon after the <br />screening step, during Task 6.2 to avoid potential problems later on that may be associated with <br />some alternatives due to the need to relocate major utilities.] <br />Deliverable(s) - Initial Alternatives Screening Report <br />TASK 5.0 TRAVEL DEMAND FORECASTING <br />This task involves the forecasting of travel demand for the alternatives. A methodology and set <br />of forecasting results will be developed to a sufficient level of completion to meet EIS/EIR <br />requirements. Using OCTA's OCTAM forecasting tool as the starting point, the Cordoba team <br />will develop a methodology to develop travel demand and ridership forecasts to support the <br />definition and evaluation of alternatives, and to support the selection of a Locally Preferred <br />Alternatives. In coordination with the City of Santa Ana and OCTA, the Cordoba team will <br />prepare the model runs and performance measures for each of the Corridor -wide Alternatives <br />recommended. <br />Deliverable(s) - Proposed Travel Demand Model Methodology <br />Task 5.1 Ridership Estimates & Performance Measures <br />OCTA's OCTAM model will be the basis for the travel demand and ridership forecasting for this <br />project. OCTA is wrapping up model validation on a new 2005 base year model, which we <br />anticipate will be available for this project. We recognize the considerable attention will be paid <br />to the ridership forecasting for this project. The modeling approach and results will require <br />concurrence from the City, OCTA and FTA. The OCTA Board has indicated that the <br />demonstrated reasonableness of the ridership forecasting for the fixed guideway projects is <br />critical to them. The Cordoba Team includes Cambridge Systematics, nationally recognized <br />experts in travel demand modeling and FTA New Starts forecasts. Working together with staff <br />from Santa Ana and OCTA, we will be responsible for implementing a clear step-by-step <br />process to successfully navigate both the FTA travel demand forecasting process as well as <br />OCTA's Go Local program. <br />Working with OCTAM, the Cordoba team will test and as appropriate adjust the model using <br />existing calibration parameters to match ridership statistics provided by OCTA as closely as <br />possible, given the capabilities of the model. The resulting adjusted model will be documented <br />in a Modeling Methodology Report. <br />Following calibration of the model, the Cordoba team will: <br />■ Review traffic analysis zones and split as required <br />■ Review study area roadway and transit networks against observed and planned <br />conditions <br />■ Develop and validate an updated (2009) socio economic dataset as the basis for an <br />Existing (2009) forecasts <br />121 Page <br />