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■ Code networks for each of the following alternative: <br />o Existing (2009) <br />o No- Build (2035) <br />o Transportation Systems Management (2035) <br />o Two (2) Build Alternatives <br />■ Conduct risk analysis <br />■ Maintain the model for ongoing applications <br />■ Prepare model documentation including the following model generated data and <br />measures of effectiveness (MOEs): <br />o System -wide linked trips (and incremental "new" transit trips) <br />o Project boardings <br />o Fixed guideway station -to -station volumes <br />o Mode of access by station <br />o Fixed guideway link volumes all -day and peak hour by direction <br />o Maximum load point volumes <br />o Transit passenger miles of travel <br />o Highway vehicle miles/vehicle hours of travel <br />o Transit travel times <br />o Transit transfers <br />o Highway link volumes and turning movements as reported by the model <br />o Environmental benefits <br />■ Use Summit to display detailed forecast results on a corridor map for QC and for <br />presentation <br />Deliverable(s) - Travel Demand and Ridership Forecast Report including system wide linked <br />trips, project boardings, station -to -station boardings and alightings mode -of - <br />access by station, link volumes for fixed guideway facilities peak hour/peak <br />direction volumes at maximum load points, passenger -miles of travel highway <br />vehicle hours of travel highway vehicle miles of travel transit travel times <br />number of transfers, highway link volumes, turning movements and new transit <br />tr_ IpS <br />Task 5.2 Station Parking Demand and Supply <br />The estimation of parking demand at the proposed station area will be a key element in <br />evaluating potential project impacts, as well as an important element in the development of <br />station design concepts. Based on the Step 1 planning, the Santa Ana Fixed Guideway is likely <br />to serve as both local circulation and commute type trips. It would be anticipated that the <br />greatest parking demand would occur at the terminus stations at the SARTC and at Harbor <br />Boulevard/17th Street. The Cordoba Team will meet with the City and the major stakeholders to <br />review anticipated parking needs for the various users along the corridor, the pros and cons of <br />accommodating each type of parking at station areas, and reasonable strategies for managing <br />parking demand. Using the results of the ridership estimates prepared in Task 5.1 we will <br />develop estimates of potential station area parking demand. We will evaluate opportunities to <br />accommodate forecast demand through station area parking supply, shared parking <br />opportunities, or existing available parking. We will conduct a series of sensitivity analyses to <br />determine the effects of various parking demand management strategies. We will also consider <br />the effects of spill-over parking on the areas immediately surrounding stations. Where <br />applicable, we will consider innovative strategies such as carsharing, unbundled parking supply, <br />dynamic pricing, and others to achieve potential reductions in overall and peak hour parking <br />13 1 P a e <br />