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demand. Based on the results of our analyses will formulate a preliminary parking plan for the <br />corridor. <br />The Cordoba team will consider the following Metrolink system wide ridership and parking <br />demand studies and local parking need studies: <br />• Commuter Rail Strategic Assessment (Wilbur Smith 2004); <br />• Orange County Line Commuter Rail Implementation Plan (DMJM Harris 2005); <br />• Draft SCRRA Strategic Assessment (SCRRA 2006); and <br />• Draft Renaissance Plan <br />Deliverable(s) - Develop a station parking demand and supply report that will include strategies <br />identified above <br />TASK 6.0 CONCEPTUAL ENGINEERING & URBAN DESIGN <br />The Cordoba team shall develop conceptual engineering (estimated at approximately the 15% <br />design level) and urban design elements for each of the two Build Alternatives selected at the <br />end of Task 4.4, Initial Screening, which will be in adequate detail to assess the project <br />environmental impacts to be carried forward into the Draft EIS/EIR phase of the study. <br />The project budget presumes that no more than two Build Alternatives will undergo Conceptual <br />Engineering and Urban Design. While design options will likely need to be examined on an as <br />needed basis in certain sections of each Alternative as part of Task 6.0, design options to an <br />Alternative that represent fixed guideway alignments on different streets (i.e., such as an <br />alternative alignment, located 1 block away) will be classified as a new Build Alternative and not <br />a design option. The work conducted in Task 6.0 will make allowances for modifications to the <br />two Build Alternatives to take place at logical, pre -identified junctures in the process in order to <br />take advantage of the more detailed technical information that is brought forward in the <br />Conceptual Engineering phase of analysis.] <br />The Cordoba team will provide a conceptual engineering level of effort for each of the Build <br />Alternatives, which will reasonably describe the urban design and architectural concepts unique <br />to each Build Alternative. The level of detail will be sufficient to allow us to develop an accurate <br />conceptual level of capital and operating cost estimates, patronage forecasts, right of way <br />requirements, construction staging scenarios, traffic and environmental impacts and to satisfy <br />Draft EIS/EIR requirements. The Croba team will refer to the Centerline study and will utilize <br />information from the 35% conceptual engineering design plans developed for the Centerline <br />project to the greatest extent feasible. <br />The project definition for the Build Alternatives will address the following (where applicable): <br />• Segment -by -Segment alignment description in tabular form <br />• Plan view drawings and typical cross sections of the alignment, stations/stops, and <br />major structures <br />• Right of way requirements <br />• Construction scenarios <br />• Fixed Guideway station (if applicable) and parking (if applicable) layouts and design <br />141Page <br />