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Purpose and Need. This assessment will be documented and summarized in a draft <br />Alternatives Analysis Report, which will evaluate the alternatives by bringing together all of the <br />preceding analyses and present them in such a way that decison makers can determine the <br />trade-offs among alternatives. It will also document compliance with the Alternatives Analysis <br />and DEIR/DEIS processes. <br />The Cordoba team will present this information, supported by graphics, maps and tables, in a <br />clear and readily understandable way that allows participating agencies, the public, and decision <br />makers, including tthe City of Santa Ana Planning Commission and City Council, and ultimately <br />the OCTA Board of Directors, to understand and compare the impacts and benefits of the <br />various alternatives. The decision makers can then make an informed judgment about which <br />Alternative best meets the Purpose and Need and has the greatest liklihood of generating <br />political and financial support and hence become the Locally Preferred Alternative. <br />The Cordoba team will submit a draft Alternatives Analysis Report, which will be reviewed by <br />the City and OCTA, who will provide comments. We will revise the draft report based upon <br />these comments and submit a Final Report. <br />Deliverable(s) - Draft Alternatives Analysis Report (One (1) electronic copy and Ten (10) hard <br />copies);Final Alternatives Analysis Report (One (1) electronic copy and Twenty - <br />Five (25) hard copies) <br />7.2 Recommend and Select the Locally Preferred Alternative <br />Once the analysis of alternatives has been completed and the results presented to City staff, <br />stakeholders and decision makers, we will support the decision-making process to select the <br />Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA). This process and resultant LPA decision will be <br />documented in the Final Alternatives Analysis Report under Task 7.1. <br />Deliverable(s) - Presentation materials (Power Point slides, display boards, handouts) in <br />support of presentations of the Alternatives Analysis results and <br />recommendations to agency staff, stakeholders, and elected officials <br />TASK 8.0 REFINE LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE <br />Under Task 8.0 the Cordoba team shall provide conceptual design support for the processes of <br />developing the project DEIR/DEIS documents and conducting the Alternatives Analysis. Task <br />8.0 will provide the necessary support for the packaging of the results of the Alternatives <br />Analysis process for the OCTA Go Local Step 3 funding application while supporting the <br />Alternatives Analysis and DEIR/DEIS tasks by providing design solutions for issues that arise <br />during the development of each of those processes. Design refinements of unresolved design <br />issues will be addressed during this phase and a final O&M and capital cost estimate <br />developed. <br />Task 8.1 Design Support and Special Studies <br />The Cordoba team will provide ongoing conceptual design support of the development of the <br />project DEIR/DEIS in Task 10 and Alternatives Analysis in Task 7. The objective of this task is <br />to provide timely support of both of these tasks by responding to issues or conflicts that may <br />211 Page <br />