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arise in the physical design or operations of the Reduced Set of Alternatives. In some instances <br />it is anticipated that we will need to conduct special studies to resolve items that require <br />additional definition or analysis. The following work elements are anticipated to be addressed, <br />subject to the limits of the negotiated budget for this task and upon direction from the City's <br />Project Manager: <br />• Those substantial design issues not resolved during Task 6.0 Conceptual <br />Engineering, those identified during the preparation of the DEIR/DEIS and those <br />substantial design issues identified during the conduct of the Alternatives Analysis <br />will be further assessed. <br />• Alternative designs solutions will be explored in those locations, if any, where <br />significant environmental impacts are identified. <br />• Mitigation measures identified during the DEIR/DEIS process in Task 10 will be <br />evaluated for feasibility and cost estimates developed for the mitigation measures. <br />• Confirmation of the right-of-way needs of each alternative in the Reduced Set of <br />Alternatives that reflects design changes initiated during the DEIR/DEIS and AA <br />tasks, subsequent to the conceptual design completed in Task 6. <br />• A refined project schedule and construction sequencing plan will be developed for <br />each of the Reduced Set of Alternatives. <br />• Project implementation activities that require long lead times to resolve will be <br />identified. The potential construction impacts of each of the Reduced Set of <br />Alternatives on affected parties such as governmental agencies, utilities and property <br />owners will be identified. <br />Deliverable(s) — Special Design Reports responding to design -related issues that requiring <br />resolution in support of the DEIR/DEIS and AA tasks <br />A revised Right -of -Way Requirements Report and mapping reflecting <br />changes from the requirements determined in the conceptual engineerinq <br />task as a result of the findings from the DEIR/DEIS (Task 10) and <br />Alternatives Analysis (Task 7) <br />An updated project schedule and construction sequencing report for each of <br />the Reduced Set of Alternatives, including the identification on long lead time <br />items <br />A proiect delivery assessment will be developed outlining the range of options <br />available for each of the Reduced Set of Alternatives including an <br />identification of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach <br />Task 8.2 Update Design, Travel Benefits and Cost Estimate of the LPA <br />Upon the City's adoption of a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA), the Cordoba team will <br />document the conceptual design of the LPA based upon the conceptual designs of the build <br />alternatives developed in Task 6. This conceptual design documentation will incorporate any <br />modifications to the physical design concept and scope of the alternative or combination of <br />alternatives from the Reduced Set selected as the LPA. <br />22 1 Page <br />