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of legislative or implementation issues. <br />Property Assessment/Ad Valorem -Based <br />A portion of the project area is planned for more intense development, property value -based <br />funding sources have the potential to provide significant revenue to help fund the project. <br />These sources can come from a one-time assessment, annual fee or tax, or other form, <br />depending on which assessment methodologies qualify under California and Orange County <br />legislation. After establishing eligibility, we will conduct a full review of available funding <br />vehicles. Methodologies that may be studied include: <br />• Local Improvement Districts (LID) <br />• Special Assessment Districts <br />• Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) <br />• Developer Fees <br />Indirect Taxes and Fees <br />Given the project's inherent economic benefits, funding for the service need not necessarily <br />come only from affected properties. The Cordoba team will develop a descriptive list of feasible <br />indirect taxes and fees such as municipal parking districts and fees. <br />Private Sector Investment <br />The proposed project will pose unique opportunities for private -sector partnerships or <br />collaboration. The Cordoba team will provide a set of related case studies that would be directly <br />applicable to the proposed project. For example, the City may consider establishing long-term <br />leases for development on public property or offering limited development rights at the SARTC <br />or other publicly -owner property in the project area in return for contributions or services such as <br />construction of public infrastructure and on-going maintenance of stations. <br />We will investigate the following options: <br />• Public Private Partnerships; <br />• Developer Incentives (e.g., station -area development rights); <br />• Joint Development; <br />• Sponsorships; and <br />• Others as appropriate. <br />Task 9.2 Revenue Estimation <br />The Cordoba team will collect and analyze the information identified in the RFP to determine <br />potential funding sources and the relative magnitude of contribution. More detailed information <br />regarding sources on the initial short list will be developed in this task, including revenue yield <br />and reliability, legal feasibility', benefit/burden relationship (among potentially -affected burden <br />I Cordoba Corporation and URS Corporation do not provide legal advice. Our staff are familiar with provisions of California transportation <br />funding law, and will provide a non-technical analysis of provisions that potentially bear on funding source feasibility for the Santa Ana <br />Streetcar. Should specific legal questions arise, however, the City should engage legal counsel to provide appropriate guidance. <br />241 Page <br />