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Once the design concept is documented, the capital cost estimate for the LPA will be <br />developed. This estimate will be based upon the prior estimate developed in Task 6, but will be <br />updated to reflect any changes in design concept and scope. In addition, those design <br />elements of the LPA deemed to have the highest capital cost uncertainty and risk will be refined <br />to reduce the level of capital cost uncertainty. <br />Similarly, we will update the operating plan so that it accurately describes the LPA operating <br />plan. This will include updating of the Operating and Maintenance cost estimate. <br />Finally, in collaboration with the City, the Cordoba team will assemble the documentation of the <br />LPA in a Locally Preferred Alternative Decision Document (approximately 25 pages) in a format <br />conducive to communicating its characteristics, benefits and costs in text, graphics and visual <br />simulations to the public, stakeholders, decision makers and potential funding partners. <br />Deliverable(s) - Locally Preferred Alternative Decision Document (One (1) electronic copy and <br />Thirty (30) color hard copies) <br />Presentation Graphics and Visual Simulations <br />TASK 9.0 FUNDING SOURCE IDENTIFICATION <br />The funding source identification task will be structured to yield a set of recommendations of <br />funding sources for project implementation (capital) and ongoing operations and maintenance <br />(O&M). The recommendations will be based on a set of criteria defined with sponsor and <br />funding partner input, including revenue yield, implementation requirements, impact, and <br />legal/political feasibility and acceptance. The final task report also will provide an action plan <br />detailing specific actions required to secure necessary funding. Our approach to Funding <br />Source Identification will consist of four primary activities, or subtasks: <br />■ Funding Source Identification <br />■ Data Collection and Analysis (Including Revenue Forecasts) <br />■ Alternatives Evaluation <br />■ Recommendations and Implementation Actions <br />For management and budget purposes, we also include a "Meetings and Documentation" task. <br />Task 9.1 Funding Source Identification <br />The Cordoba team will investigate the following potential local funding sources (excluding fare <br />revenues). For each set of sources, we will provide: <br />• A general description of source and permissible uses; <br />• The underpinning of source; and <br />• The required application/application procedures. <br />Some of the sources identified below may be eliminated early as funding candidates as a result <br />231 Page <br />