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Preferred Alternative (LPA) are established and which enables the City of Santa Ana to <br />preserve the Corridor between the SARTC and Harbor Boulevard. <br />Our overall work approach integrates the planning and conceptual engineering tasks with the <br />environmental compliance process. In this manner, potential environmental constraints are <br />identified early in the process as the project description and alternatives considered evolve <br />through alternatives development, alternatives screening, conceptual engineering, and selection <br />of the LPA. To the greatest extent feasible, project environmental impacts shall be resolved <br />through project design. <br />In adherence with the OCTA "Go Local' program and its requirements, the environmental <br />process shall be managed such that the project remains eligible for federal funding. A joint <br />environmental document will be prepared, consistent with California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines. Given the scale, complexity, <br />and potential issues related to the Corridor, a joint draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) / <br />Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will likely be required for the project — particularly for those <br />portions of the Corridor that would cross the Santa Ana River Channel and that would utilize the <br />PE ROW. However, much depends upon the nature of the build alternatives selected for <br />detailed evaluation in the DEIS/EIR phase of analysis. NEPA is flexible in that the issues in the <br />"in -street" segment and the "in -ROW" segments may not have effects that would trigger federal <br />criteria for significance. In this case, a federal determination could be made that an <br />Environmental Assessment (EA) is the appropriate environmental document for the project. Our <br />evaluation will be structured so that the applicable environmental information is brought forward <br />on a timely basis to allow for this consideration. <br />Consultation with the federal lead agency and cooperating agencies is essential for establishing <br />the scope of the environmental analysis, methodologies, thresholds, and key concerns that <br />must be addressed through the joint NEPA/CEQA process. For the purposes of this work plan, <br />it is presumed that the City of Santa Ana will act at the CEQA lead agency and the Federal <br />Transit Administration (FTA) or its designee will serve as the federal lead. As this is a transit <br />project, FTA guidelines will largely be utilized to determine the potential for adverse effects with <br />regard to NEPA. <br />Task 10.1 Refined Environmental Work Plan <br />The AA process will identify a reduced set of alternatives that will undergo detailed <br />environmental evaluation as part of the DEIS/EIR phase. Once the nature of these alternatives <br />has been established, the Cordoba team will prepare a refined Environmental Work Plan in <br />consultation with the City of Santa Ana, OCTA, FTA, and the cooperating resource agencies. <br />Based on this information, the Cordoba team will refine and finalize the detailed tasks of the <br />scope of work and the corresponding budget to ensure that the bulk of the environmental effort <br />is devoted to those environmental issues that warrant additional scrutiny and which are needed <br />to achieve consensus for a Locally Preferred Alternative. <br />Deliverable(s) - Refined Environmental Work Plan (including task scope and budgets) <br />Task 10.2 Administrative Record <br />281 Page <br />