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The Cordoba team will design and maintain the Administrative Record for the project, which will <br />be maintained at the URS Santa Ana office. This will be maintained in electronic and hard copy <br />format. The Administrative Record will be transferred to the City upon Certification of the EIR <br />and Record of Decision regarding the EIS. <br />Deliverable(s) - Regular team conference calls and meetings per an agreed schedule <br />Task 10.3 Regular Conference Calls / Meetings <br />By the time the project reaches the detailed environmental stage, frequent communication <br />among the environmental team members, the project designers, the public involvement <br />coordinators, and city staff is essential to ensure that the environmental analysis, presentation <br />of impacts, and recommended mitigation is consistent with the project description of the <br />alternatives, which is frequently evolving as additional details are made known. Communication <br />will take place on a weekly basis. We will also be responsible for maintaining communication <br />with the environmental resource agencies in coordination with the City of Santa Ana. <br />Deliverable(s) - Regular team conference calls and meetings per an agreed schedule <br />Task 10.4 Field Surveys, Technical Data Collection, & Technical Studies <br />The following reports/technical studies will be prepared consistent with CEQA, CEQA, and <br />NEPA standards and protocols: <br />• Aesthetics & Visual Assessment - Photomontages and other sight line impact <br />assessments will be prepared. Impacts of the project alternatives on aesthetic values are <br />highly subjective. This project area is characterized by a built up urban setting. The <br />presence of the alternatives may be objected to by some people as being dramatically <br />different and potentially discordant visual element. <br />Deliverable(s) - Technical Report with up to 8 photo -simulations and analysis for <br />incorporation into the EIS/EIR. <br />• Geology, Soils, Minerals, Geological Hazards, and Hazardous Materials Technical <br />Report - A Geology & Geological Hazards Technical Report that also includes the <br />hazardous materials assessment will be prepared. <br />Deliverable(s) - Technical Report covering Geology. Soils Minerals Geological <br />Hazards, and Hazardous Materials with analysis for incorporation into <br />the EIS/EIR. <br />Air Quality Impacts Technical Report - Being in the South Coast Air Basin, an Air <br />Quality Impact Assessment (AQIA) Report will be prepared. Criteria pollutants and non - <br />attainment status for the basin necessitate a close look at long and short-term impacts. <br />The combined sources of particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen <br />oxides will be assessed for each alternative and compared to regional emission limits <br />specified by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Further, <br />given the passage of recent State legislation and success of several lawsuits, the <br />Cordoba team will include a qualitative analysis of project impacts on greenhouse gases. <br />Deliverable(s) - Air Quality Impact Assessment technical report with Qualitative GHG <br />analysis for incorporation into the EIS/EIR. <br />291 Page <br />