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Deliverable(s) - Energy, Utilities & Public Services Technical Report, with analysis for <br />incorporation into the EIS/EIR. <br />• 4(f) Evaluation The Cordoba team will produce a DOT Act of 1966 (49 U.S.C. §303) <br />compliant analysis of 4(f) Resources and their potential "use" by each of the alternatives. <br />This effort is intended to protect natural resources, open spaces, and cultural resources. <br />Deliverables: Section 4(t) Analysis for incorporation into the EIS/EIR. <br />Deliverable(s) - Technical Reports as detailed in the Approach above. <br />Task 10.5 Administrative Draft EIS/EIR <br />The Cordoba team will prepare an Administrative Draft EIS that meets the requirements in <br />regulations implementing CEQA (13 CPRC 21000 et seq.) in State CEQA Guidelines (Title <br />14 CCR, Ch 3,15000 et seq.) and NEPA (40 CFR 1500-1508), as well as FTA guidance. <br />Early in the process, the Cordoba team will deliver a preliminary document outline to the city <br />for review and approval. We will prepare a brief document on environmental thresholds or <br />standards of significance and submit it to the City for review and concurrence. Thresholds <br />of significance will be used for modifying or enhancing project alternatives and reducing <br />environmental impacts, while still achieving project purpose and need. Indirect and <br />Cumulative Impacts will be assessed. We will work with City planners to establish an <br />inventory of the projects that may be developed in the area to establish the basis for this <br />analysis. This section of the EIS/EIR will refer to that larger technical analysis. <br />The Cordoba team will prepare an administrative draft of the EIS/EIR for circulation for <br />internal, technical review. The draft will incorporate information from scoping and alternative <br />development, and effects analysis. Analysis of impacts, including direct and indirect effects, <br />mitigation, and residuallcumulative effects, will be included for each topical area of the <br />EIS/EIR. The Cordoba team will provide the draft document to the City in appropriate <br />electronic formats. A second administrative draft will then be prepared incorporating <br />comments from the team members as directed by the City and applicable Partner Agencies. <br />Deliverable(s) - Draft EIS/EIR Outline (electronic); First Preliminary Draft EIS/EIR with <br />Tables, Maps, and Appendices (15 CDs and 5 hard copies); Second <br />Preliminary Draft EIS/EIR, with Tables Maps and Appendices (15 CDs <br />and 5 hard copies) <br />Task 10.6 Draft EIS/EIR <br />The Cordoba team will prepare a Draft EIS in response to the comments received on the <br />Admin Draft EIS. The budget allows for one round of comments on the second admin draft <br />document. We will provide the draft document to City in appropriate electronic formats. <br />Following approval by the City of Santa Ana and OCTA, the draft EIS/EIR will be circulated <br />for public comments by the City of Santa Ana. The Cordoba team will provide twenty-five <br />(25) hard copies and up to fifty (50) electronic copies on CD of the document (formatted as <br />PDF with links within the document to the table of contents for internet posting) to the City of <br />Santa Ana. The Cordoba team will prepare an Executive Summary of the full document in <br />331 Page <br />