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- An intensive, pedestrian, archaeological and architectural history survey of the site <br />that will be detailed in a Survey/Inventory Report <br />- A Cultural Resources Data Recovery and Mitigation & Monitoring Plan, referred to <br />below as the Cultural Resources Management Plan <br />Deliverable(s) - Overview Report, Survey/Inventory Report, and Cultural Resources <br />Management Plan for incorporation into the EIS/EIR. <br />Paleontology - The Cordoba team will review existing data on paleontological sensitivity <br />and conduct a pedestrian -level reconnaissance survey. A literature review of sensitive <br />geological formations may be generally sufficient, given the urban nature of the site, and <br />will include maps of sensitive areas. This EIS/EIR section will follow CEQ directives, <br />policies, and procedures and include a site characterization, potential for paleontological <br />finds, and mitigation. <br />Deliverable(s) - Paleontology Technical Report with analysis for incorporation into the <br />EIS/EIR. <br />Biological Technical Report, Biological Assessment, and Consultation (if needed) <br />- Although the preponderance of the site is urban is setting, the alternatives do cross the <br />Santa Ana River, and a portion of the project is on the vacant PE Right -of -Way, which <br />will require characterization and may include some special status species. The Cordoba <br />team will conduct vegetation mapping, biological field surveys, and will prepare a draft <br />BA. As applicable, a preliminary delineation of U.S. waterways and a Jurisdictional <br />Delineation Report will be prepared. We will develop a generalized assessment of <br />impacts for the EIS/EIR in the biological technical report, BA, and species-specific <br />survey data. All survey data will be incorporated into a Biological Technical Report, as <br />well as an ESA biological assessment and other biological related reports provided by <br />the Cordoba team. <br />- A literature review will be conducted to identify common and special status <br />biological resources, and illuminate likely permitting constraints within or adjacent <br />to the project area. <br />- The Cordoba team will informally consult with all relevant and applicable <br />regulatory agencies as needed to identify permitting requirements, mitigation, <br />minimization, and avoidance measures associated with project implementation. <br />At present, the need for resources agencies discretionary permitting and <br />mitigation is unclear. If necessary, we will conduct a limited number of additional <br />field surveys to adequately assess any potential effects resulting from the project <br />based on the work plan finalized as a result of Subtask 10.1. <br />Deliverable(s) - Biological Technical Report, Biological Assessment Preliminary <br />Jurisdictional Delineation. and Consultation (if needed) with analysis for <br />incorporation into the EIS/EIR. <br />• Energy, Utilities & Public Services - It is not likely that the project alternatives will <br />significantly increase demands for utilities and services. However, the alternatives will <br />be examined for potential impacts to emergency routes and response times due to <br />temporary lane closures during construction. An energy consumption analysis will also <br />be performed. <br />321Page <br />