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EXHIBIT A — 2 <br />Santa Ana -Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Corridor <br />Amendment Request #2 <br />SCOPE OF SERVICE <br />TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION <br />1.1 General Project Management <br />Cordoba will continue general project management, coordinating delivery of the Scope of <br />Services with the City of Santa Ana and the subconsultant members of the Cordoba Team <br />through the duration of the contract. We will continue to maintain and manage the <br />computerized project folder to provide access to project information and documents to all <br />project participants. The computerized project folder will be populated with all technical <br />deliverables, and meeting and presentation materials prepared to date. It will be updated bi- <br />weekly to maintain currency throughout the duration of the contract. <br />Deliverables: Computerized project folder updated on a bi-weekly basis; <br />Presentations to City Councils, OCTA Board and OCTA Transit <br />Committee <br />1.4 Progress Meetings <br />We will continue to conduct Bi -Weekly status meetings and monthly PDT meetings through <br />the duration of the contract. <br />Deliverables: Agendas and minutes; attendance at up to 20 additional bi-weekly status <br />meetings and 8 additional PDT meetings; action item list for each <br />meeting. <br />1.5 Coordination with Other Agencies and Stakeholders <br />We will continue to coordinate and participate in agency and stakeholder meetings related to <br />the project, as necessary or requested by the City. We will support and participate in <br />Stakeholder Working Group meetings through the duration of the contract. <br />1.6 Monthly Progress Reports, Accounting and Invoicing <br />We will continue to provide regular monthly invoices and progress reports in the format <br />required by the City through the duration of the contract. <br />Deliverables: Monthly progress reports and invoices <br />TASK 7: ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS <br />7.1 Alternatives Analysis <br />The existing Scope of Work includes submittal of the Draft Alternatives Analysis Report to <br />the City for comment, and submittal of a revised Draft Alternatives Analysis Report for <br />OCTA/PMO review and approval. As part of the amended work effort, Cordoba will address <br />the comments provided by the OCTA/PMO and following OCTA approval, the document will <br />be prepared for submittal to FTA. Following receipt of comments from FTA, the Alternatives <br />Analysis Report will be finalized. <br />Deliverables: Draft AA Report for FTA Review (assumes OCTA/PMO concurrence <br />that their comments have been fully addressed) <br />Final AA Report <br />