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TASK 8: REFINEMENT OF LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE <br />8.2 Refine LPA <br />Upon the City's adoption of a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) the Cordoba team will <br />document the conceptual design of the LPA based upon the conceptual designs of the build <br />alternatives developed in Task 6. This conceptual design documentation will incorporate any <br />modifications to the physical design concept and scope of the alternative or combination of <br />alternatives from the Reduced Set selected as the LPA. <br />Once the design concept is documented the capital cost estimate for the LPA will be <br />developed .This estimate will be based upon the prior estimate developed in Task 6 but will <br />be updated to reflect any changes in design concept and scope. In addition those design <br />elements of the LPA deemed to have the highest capital cost uncertainty and risk will be <br />refined to reduce the level of capital cost uncertainty. <br />Similarly we will update the operating plan so that it accurately describes the LPA operating <br />plan. This will include updating of the Operating and Maintenance cost estimate. <br />Finally, in collaboration with the City, the Cordoba team will assemble the documentation of <br />the LPA in a Locally Preferred Alternative Decision Document approximately 25 pages in a <br />format conducive to communicating its characteristics benefits and costs in text graphics and <br />visual simulations to the public, stakeholders, decision makers and potential funding <br />partners. <br />Deliverables: Draft Locally Preferred Alternative Decision Document for City review <br />and approval <br />Final LPA Decision Document, electronic (3 CDs) and thirty (30) color <br />hard copies <br />Presentation Graphics and Visual Simulations <br />TASK 10: DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL <br />ASSESSMENT (EIR/EA) <br />10.5 Administrative Draft EIR/EA <br />The Cordoba Team will complete the incorporation of OCTA/PMO comments on the 2nd <br />Administrative Draft EIR/EA and produce an electronic version of the 3`d Admin Draft <br />EIR/EA. Following City and OCTA review of the 3rd Admin Draft, Cordoba will incorporate <br />any revisions outstanding from the original review of the 2nd Admin Draft, and prepare the <br />document for submittal to OCTA/FTA. We will revise the Section 4(f) Technical Report and <br />the Environmental Justice Technical Report to comply with current FTA requirements. We <br />will coordinate with the City, OCTA and FTA to prepare the Section 106 Report to address <br />the Pacific Electric Santa Ana River Bridge, and revise the DEIR/EA as appropriate to <br />incorporate Section 4(f), environmental justice and Section 106 write-ups. Following a <br />review of the most recent version of the DEIR/EA (incorporating the comments received <br />through 3/28/2012) by the City, OCTA and Cordoba team, we will produce a DEIR/EA for <br />FTA review. <br />The Cordoba Team will coordinate with the City of Santa Ana, OCTA and FTA to determine <br />whether a combined environmental document (EIR/EA) or a standalone federal document <br />(EA) is preferred. If FTA expresses a preference for the stand alone document, a separate <br />Administrative Draft EA will be created. <br />Deliverables: Environmental Justice Technical Report <br />