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411?7A <br />Environmental Consulting Services <br />Chambers Group's environmental planners have extensive experience providing CEQA/NEPA <br />compliance services for cities. Chambers Group has successfully prepared thousands of environmental <br />and planning reports, documents and studies in compliance with these and other regulations. Our <br />services involve preparation of CE/IS/ND/MND/EIR and CE/EA/FONSI/EIS documents, as well as <br />associated technical studies in accordance with CEQA/NEPA requirements. <br />Chambers Group has a successful history of managing challenging, and sometimes controversial, <br />environmental projects. Expert service leaders and program managers who specialize in an array of <br />client market sectors manage the operations of the firm. Together, projects are technically managed, <br />staffed, and billed, according to the contract. Environmental services associated with this contract will <br />be staffed and managed from our corporate office in Santa Ana, CA. <br />In addition to providing a very experienced Program Manager in Gene Anderson, Chambers Group will <br />supply the City of Santa Ana with professionally qualified staff that brings scientific objectivity, <br />environmental expertise, and defensible technical documentation to assist in meeting the stringent <br />compliance requirements of regulatory agencies. Assisting Mr. Anderson with environmental planning <br />documents will be Paula Fell, Project Manager, and Meghan Directo, Environmental Planner. <br />Chambers Group understands the needs and objectives of the City's Public Works Agency relative to <br />providing on-call environmental services for the preparation of CEQA/NEPA environmental documents, <br />and associated technical studies. Chambers Group's Program Manager and environmental planners are <br />fully versed in all types of CEQA/NEPA environmental documents, from joint EIR/ElSs to Mitigated <br />Negative Declarations (MND), Environmental Assessments (EA), Categorical Exemptions and Exclusions <br />(CE), and Caltrans' pre-CEQA/NEPA document Preliminary Environmental Study (PES). Regardless of the <br />service provided, Chambers Group follows a deliberate project management process that ensures <br />responsiveness to clients' needs, and delivers quality work products. Chambers Group's project <br />management system tracks cost, schedule, and quality. Each element of the system is presented below. <br />SECTION 3. <br />LIST OF PROJECTS <br />RELEVANT CAF=0 JECT CXPERIENC:L <br />Provided below is a list of projects which Chambers Group or our personnel have completed within the <br />last 5 years, including significant work with public agencies. <br />On-Call Environmental Services, Orange County Public Works (OCPW), Orange <br />County, CA <br />Since 2001, Chambers Group has completed <br />over 30 task orders involving creeks, in- <br />channel basins, channel outlets, marshes, and <br />bays in coastal, urban and semi-rural areas. <br />Biological services have involved CEQA <br />compliance, permitting, habitat restorations, <br />wildlife and vegetation species surveys and <br />monitoring, permitting, and environmental <br />analyses including biological assessments, biological reconnaissance, field surveys for sensitive <br />species/habitat, protocol surveys, and jurisdictional delineations. Other services included biological <br />CHAMBERS <br />18 <br />2501-59