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FULL PACKET_2013-02-04
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2013-02-04
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2/5/2013 11:13:26 AM
Creation date
1/31/2013 5:12:02 PM
City Clerk
Clerk of the Council
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G. The City reserves the right to reject and replace any and all subcontractors, and reserves the <br />right to approve all subcontractors. <br />H. Progress review meetings shall be held at intervals deemed appropriate by the City. <br />COORDINATION <br />Coordination with the City, other consultants and agencies will be required to achieve satisfactory <br />and timely delivery of the final work product. <br />ADDENDA <br />Any subsequent changes in RFP from the date of preparation to date of submittal will result in an <br />addendum by the issuing office. <br />PRIME CONSULTANT RESPONSIBLITIES <br />The selected Consultant will be required to assume responsibilities for all services in their <br />proposal. The selected Consultant will be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual <br />matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the Agreement. <br />RULES FOR PROPOSALS <br />The signer of the RFP must declare in writing that the only person, persons, company or parties <br />interested in the proposal as principals are named therein; that the proposal is made without <br />collusion with any other person, persons, company or parties submitting a proposal; that it is in all <br />respects fair and in good faith without collusion or fraud; and, that the signer of the proposal has <br />full authority to bind the principal proposer. <br />IV. Scope of Services <br />The Consultant shall provide technical environmental services under the direction of City staff. <br />The Consultant will be expected to provide experienced and knowledgeable professional staff. <br />The Consultants' Project Manager and staff shall be responsive and maintain excellent working <br />relationships with project applicant, property owners, developers and City staff. The Consultant <br />shall be committed to provide adequate staffing levels at all times in order to adhere to established <br />schedules. The Consultant shall be knowledgeable and very familiar with federal, state and local <br />regulations, policies and procedures as they pertain to CEQA and NEPA services provided. <br />Consultant services may include attendance at appropriate City Commission, City Council and <br />neighborhood meetings, preparation of studies and technical reports. <br />INITIATIONXICK OFF MEETING <br />If determined necessary, the consultant shall be required to discuss the project with City Staff <br />and applicant within two-weeks of approving proposal and receiving the notice to proceed from <br />the City. At that time staff and applicant will provide all information pertinent to the project. <br />3 <br />1901-5
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