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FULL PACKET_2013-02-04
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2013-02-04
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2/5/2013 11:13:26 AM
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1/31/2013 5:12:02 PM
City Clerk
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V. Submittal Information and Deadline <br />Proposals are due to the City of Santa Ana Planning Division, M-20, 20 Civic Center Plaza, <br />P.O. Box 1988, Santa Ana, CA 92702 (Date TBD and made attention to Sergio Klotz at (714) <br />667-2796 or can be faxed to 714-973-1461. Proposals received after the date and time <br />specified in this RFP will be rejected by the Agency as non-responsive. <br />VI. Submittal Requirements <br />The RFP is intended to assess and evaluate each firm's capabilities as they apply to the <br />proposed project. Each firm must address each of the following items in their response to the <br />RFP. <br />A. Statement of Qualifications - In order to maintain uniformity with each Consultant, the <br />Statement of Qualifications must be limited to a maximum of 20 pages (excluding front and <br />back covers, section dividers and resumes). The page limitation includes all appendixes, <br />attachments and supplemental information. The following information is required: <br />1. Cover Letter - A letter signed by a principal or authorized officer who may make legally <br />binding commitments for the entity. <br />2. Firm and Personnel Experience: A profile of the firm's experience in producing <br />environmental documents. The Project Manager/Principal Agent's contact information <br />for the proposed work shall be identified and associates in-charge when Project <br />Manger/Principal Agent is absent as well as that of other key personnel. An <br />organization chart identifying only those who will perform work for the proposed project <br />and their brief resume. The project manager shall be the primary contact person to <br />represent your firm and will be the person to conduct the presentation, if invited for an <br />interview. The Consultant shall list the time availability of the project manager and the <br />key personnel on a percentage basis to provide the services requested. <br />Subconsultants, if any, shall be identified are subject to the same requirements as for <br />the prime Consultant. <br />3. Submittal of Proposal <br />a. Three (3) copies of the RFP shall be signed by a company official with the power to <br />bind the company. <br />b. Structure your proposal to include the Scope of Services, General Time Schedule <br />and Fees. <br />4. List of projects, which your firm or personnel have completed within the last 5 years, <br />similar to the proposed project. Project information should include project description, <br />year completed, client name, along with a person to contact and their telephone <br />number. <br />5. References: The Consultant shall submit a list of references comprised of a listing of <br />work similar to that identified in the RFP. <br />4 <br />19D-6
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