services for the sanitary disposal of food wastes and refuse, including facilities for temporary storage where necessary (e.g.,
<br />garbage cans).
<br />(3) The dwelling unit shall afford the Family adequate space and security. A living room, kitchen, dining area, bathroom, and
<br />other appropriate social, recreational or community space shall be within the unit, and the unit shall contain at least one bedroom
<br />of appropriate size for each two persons. Exterior doors and windows accessible from outside each unit shall be capable of being
<br />locked. An emergency exit plan shall be developed and occupants shall be apprised of the details of the plan. All emergency and
<br />safety features and procedures shall meet applicable State and local standards.
<br />(4) The unit shall be structurally sound so as not to pose any threat to the health and safety of the occupants and so as to
<br />protect the occupants from the environment. Ceilings, walls and floors shall not have any serious defects such as severe bulging
<br />or leaning, large holes, loose surface materials, severe buckling or noticeable movement under walking stress, missing parts or
<br />other serious damage. The roof structure shall be firm and the roof shall be weather tight. The exterior wall structure and exterior
<br />wall surface shall not have any serious defects such as serious leaning, buckling, sagging, cracks or holes, loose siding, or other
<br />serious damage. The condition and equipment of interior and exterior stairways, halls, porches, walkways, etc., shall be such as
<br />not to present a danger of tripping or falling. Elevators shall be maintained in safe and operating condition. Units accommodating
<br />physically handicapped occupants with wheelchairs and other special equipment shall not contain architectural barriers which
<br />impede access or use, and handrails and ramps shall be provided as appropriate.
<br />(5) The site and neighborhood shall be reasonably free from disturbing noises and reverberations and other hazards to the
<br />health, safety, and general welfare of the occupants, and shall not be subject to serious adverse environmental conditions,
<br />natural or manmade, such as dangerous walks, steps, instability, flooding, poor drainage, septic tank back-ups, sewage hazards
<br />or mudslides; abnormal air pollution, smoke or dust; excessive noise, vibrations or vehicular traffic; excessive accumulations of
<br />trash; vermin or rodent infestation; or fire hazards. The unit shall be located in a residential setting and be similar in size and
<br />appearance to housing generally found in the neighborhood, and be within walking distance or accessible via public or available
<br />private transportation to medical and other appropriate commercial and community service facilities.
<br />(6) Supportive services.
<br />(i) A planned program of adequate supportive services appropriate to the needs of the occupants shall be provided on a
<br />continual basis by a qualified Resident Assistant(s) residing in the unit, or other qualified person(s) not residing in the unit, who
<br />will provide such services on a continual, planned basis. Supportive services which are provided within the unit may include the
<br />following types of services: Counseling; social services which promote physical activity, intellectual stimulation and/or social
<br />motivation; training or assistance with activities of daily living including housekeeping, dressing, personal hygiene and/or
<br />grooming; provision of basic first aid skills in case of emergencies; supervision of self -administration of medications, diet and
<br />nutrition; and assurance that occupants obtain incidental medical care, as needed, by facilitating the making of appointments at,
<br />and transportation to, medical facilities. Supportive services provided within the unit shall not include the provision of continual
<br />nursing, medical or psychiatric care.
<br />(ii) The provision and quality of the planned program of supportive services, including the minimal qualifications, quantity and
<br />working hours of the Resident Assistant(s) living in the unit or other person(s) providing continual supportive services, shall be
<br />initially determined by the Service Agency in accordance with the standards established by the State. Compliance with these
<br />standards by the Service Agency shall be regularly monitored throughout the term of the Contract by the PHA and the State
<br />(e.g., Department of Human Resources, Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Social Services, etc.), or a local authority (other than
<br />the Service Agency providing services) designated by the State to establish, maintain and enforce such standards.
<br />(iii) A written Service Agreement, approved by the State and in effect between the Owner and the Service Agency and/or the
<br />entities which provide the necessary supportive service, shall be submitted to the PHA with the request for Lease approval. The
<br />Lease between the eligible individual and the Owner shall set forth the Owner's obligation for and means of providing these
<br />services. If the lessor provides the supportive services, a Service Agreement is not required and the provision of these services
<br />shall be incorporated into the Lease and shall be approved by the State. (See Sec. 882.2090) (2).) (7) State approval.
<br />Independent Group Residences shall be licensed, certified or otherwise approved in writing by the State (e.g,, Departments of
<br />Human Resources, Mental Health, Retardation, Social Services, etc.) prior to the execution of the initial Contract. This approval
<br />shall be reexamined periodically based on a schedule established by the State. To assure that facilities and the supportive
<br />services are appropriate to the needs of the occupants, the State shall also approve the written Service Agreement (or Leases, if
<br />the provider of services is the lessor) for each Independent Group Residence. (See Sec. 882.2090)(2).)
<br />(o) Manufactured Home
<br />(1) Performance requirement. A Manufactured Home unit, whether owner or renter occupied, shall comply with the foregoing
<br />standards except for paragraph (m) of this section, Congregate Housing, and paragraph (n) of this section, Independent Group
<br />Residences. In addition, a Manufactured Home unit shall: (a) Meet the definition of a Manufactured Home set forth in Sec.
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