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882.102, (b) Be equipped with at least one smoke detector in working condition, and (c) Must be placed on the site in a stable <br />manner and be free from hazards such as sliding or wind damage. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. A Manufactured Home must be securely anchored by a tie -down device which distributes and <br />transforms the loads imposed by the unit to appropriate ground anchors to resist wind overturning and sliding. <br />(p) Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Unit <br />(1) Performance requirements. The foregoing standards shall apply except for paragraphs (a), (b), (c), <br />(m), (n), and (o). <br />(2) Each SRO unit shall be occupied by no more than one person. <br />(3) Exterior doors and windows accessible from outside the SRO unit must be able to be locked. <br />(4) Sanitary facilities, space and security shall meet local code standards for single room occupancy housing. In the absence <br />of applicable local code standards, the requirements for habitable rooms used for living and sleeping purposes contained in the <br />American Public Health Association's Recommended Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Ordinance shall be used. <br />(q) Shared Housing <br />(1) Applicability of housing quality standards to entire unit. The entire unit must comply with the Performance <br />Requirements and Acceptability Criteria, as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section and in paragraphs (d) through (1) of <br />this section. <br />(2) Facilities available for Family. The facilities available for the use of each assisted Family in Shared Housing under the <br />Family's Lease must include (whether in the Family's Private Space or in the Common Space) a living room, sanitary facilities in <br />accordance with paragraph (a), and food preparation and refuse disposal facilities in accordance with paragraph (b). <br />(3) Space and security. <br />(i) Inapplicability of paragraph (c). Paragraph (c) of this section does not apply to Shared Housing. <br />(ii) Performance requirement. The entire unit must provide adequate space and security for all its occupants (whether assisted <br />or unassisted). The total number of occupants in the unit may not exceed 12 persons. Each unit must contain Private Space <br />containing at least one bedroom for each assisted Family, plus Common Space for shared use by the occupants of the unit. The <br />Private Space for each assisted Family must contain at least one bedroom for each two persons in the Family. (The two <br />preceding sentences do not apply to the case of two individuals sharing a one -bedroom unit. However, in that situation, no other <br />persons may occupy the unit.) Common Space must be appropriate for shared use by the occupants. If any members of the <br />Family.are physically handicapped (as of the time of lease approval), the unit's Common Space and the Family's Private Space <br />must be accessible and usable by them. <br />(iii) Acceptability criteria. The unit must contain a living room, a kitchen, bathroom(s), and bedroom(s). Persons of opposite <br />sex, other than husband and wife or very young children, may not be required to occupy the same bedroom. Exterior doors and <br />windows accessible from outside the unit must be lockable. <br />(r) Smoke detectors <br />(1) Performance requirement. After October 30, 1992, each dwelling unit must include at least one battery -operated or hard- <br />wired smoke detector, in proper working condition, on each level of the unit. If the unit is occupied by hearing -impaired persons, <br />smoke detectors must have an alarm system, designed for hearing -impaired persons, in each bedroom occupied by a hearing - <br />impaired person. <br />(2) Acceptability criteria. The smoke detector must be located, to the extent practicable, in a hallway adjacent to a bedroom, <br />unless the unit is occupied by a hearing -impaired person, in which case each bedroom occupied by a hearing -impaired person <br />must have an alarm system connected to the smoke detector installed in the hallway. <br />[Code of Federal Regulations] <br />[Title 24, Volume 4, Parts 700 to 16991 <br />[Revised as of April 1, 1998] <br />From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access <br />[CITE: 24CFR882.109] <br />[43 FIR 61246, Dec. 29, 1978, as amended at 44 FIR 21630, Apr. 11, 1979; <br />44 FIR 65364, Nov. 9, 1979; 49 FIR 12237, Mar. 29, 1984; 50 FIR 9269, Mar. <br />7, 1985; 50 FIR 38794, Sept. 25, 1985; 51 FIR 21309, June 11, 1986; 51 FIR <br />24324, July 3, 1986; 52 FIR 1893, Jan. 15, 1987; 52 FIR 9828, Mar. 27, <br />1987; 53 FIR 4388, Feb. 16, 1988; 53 FIR 7734, Mar. 10, 1988; 53 FIR 20801, <br />June 6, 1988; 57 FIR 33851, July 30, 1992] <br />Page 20 of 31 <br />