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efforts, We closely monitor developments in case law aflecting Pilebors motion defense and police <br />officer rights to ensure that we can provide police departments the best defense possible when it <br />comes to opposing motions to dkt* police officer personnel files, At Silver & Wright, we take <br />personal pride in supporting and defeating police officers' rights, which shows iu our dedicated and <br />personal attention to these matters. <br />For Pitebera motion defense, Silver & Wright proposes a flat rate of $989 per u okion, which <br />includes xcviewing the case file and motion pleadings, interviewing the officers, drafting and filittig <br />the opposition documents, and defetding the officer and City at the hearing. If the results of the <br />hearing are challenged by writ or appeal, we propose a blended rate of $179 per hour for attorneys <br />and $100 per hour for paralegals.