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The right to either extended reporting period option under this Condition 6.9.2 is not available to any of <br />you where cancellation or nonrenewal by us is due to nonpayment of premium or other monies due to <br />us. <br />Any coverage afforded under the extended reporting period cannot be canceled or terminated. The <br />additional premium for the extended reporting period will be fully earned at the inception of the <br />extended reporting period. <br />6.9.3 Non-Practicing Extended Reporting Period <br />If you are a sole practitioner and during the policy period you permanently cease professional practice <br />for reasons not related to suspension or revocation of your license or death or disability as described in <br />CONDITIONS 6.9.4 below, we will provide a non-practicing extended reporting period as set forth <br />below. <br />a. The non-practicing extended reporting period will start with the date you cease professional <br />practice and ends when one of the following occurs: <br />1. you resume professional practice; however, you may purchase, at our option, a policy from <br />us to reinstate full prior acts coverage; <br />II. any insurance is issued which replaces, in whole or in part, the coverage afforded by the non- <br />practicing extended reporting period; or <br />III. the LIMITS OF LIABILITY have been exhausted. <br />b. The additional premium for this option shall be waived if you are a sole practitioner and have been <br />continuously insured by us or via LawGoldTA9 under a professional liability insurance policy for at least <br />three consecutive years prior to such cancellation or nonrenewal and are at least fifty-five (55) years <br />of age at the time you cease professional practice. <br />c. We will issue a non-practicing extended reporting period endorsement only if: <br />1. you request the endorsement no more than sixty (60) days after the date you cease <br />professional practice, or sixty (60) days after the end of the policy period, whichever is <br />earlier. Such request must include written notification of your cessation of professional <br />practice; <br />II. you have paid all premiums due for this Policy at the time you request a non-practicing <br />extended reporting period endorsement; and, <br />III. you promptly pay when due the additional premium for the endorsement. <br />6.9.4 Death or Disablement Extended Reporting Period <br />a. If, during the policy period, any of you die or become totally and permanently disabled, we will <br />extend a death or disablement extended reporting period at no charge. Totally and permanently <br />disabled means that you have become so disabled as to be completely prevented from rendering <br />professional services, and such disability: <br />I, has existed for not less than ninety (90) consecutive days; and <br />II. is expected to be continuous, total, and permanent. <br />b. The death or disablement extended reporting period will start on the date you die or become <br />totally and permanently disabled, and will end when one of the following occurs: <br />1. the executor or administrator of your estate has been discharged; <br />II. the total and permanent disability ends, whether or not you resume practice; <br />III. any insurance is issued which replaces, in whole or in part, the coverage afforded by the <br />death or disablement extended reporting period; or <br />IV. the LIMITS OF LIABILITY have been exhausted. <br />C. We will issue a death or disablement extended reporting period endorsement only if you or your <br />representative request it no more than ninety (90) days after the date of your death or total <br />LPLPOL01 [10/10] Page 12 of 14 Protective Insurance Company