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Project No. 116743 and 1`,,,415 <br />Request for Approval of Change Order No. 3 <br />November 3, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />4. While restriping the street for phase 2 construction on Broadway south of 17th Street, <br />the City's Traffic Section field reviewed and recommended a few modifications to the <br />traffic control at Halesworth, 10th, Washington, and 15th. These modifications increased <br />traffic flow and safety. (PCO86) <br />AGREED PRICE $636.26 <br />5. While placing the new curb and gutter at Santa Clara and Broadway, it was determined <br />that the contract removal limits needed to be increased to eliminate ponding. Therefore <br />it was recommended to remobilize the demolition crew and remove an additional 35 <br />linear feet. (PCO 89) <br />AGREED PRICE $1,585.50 <br />6. After the contractor base paved in the adjacent streets with asphalt at 18tH 20tH and <br />Buffalo, several residents requested to have the streets changed back to the original <br />PCC. Therefore the City's Design Section requested to have the AC removed and <br />replaced with PCC. (PCO 90) <br />AGREED PRICE $25,000 <br />Extra Work at Time and Material <br />7. While attempting to connect the new 14 -inch water main to the existing at Santa Clara <br />and Broadway, the City's Water Crew, after making several attempts, was unable to <br />sufficiently shut the water down the existing water valves. The City's Water Crew <br />worked diligently for a couple of hours to identify additional valves to achieve a <br />sufficient shutdown. However due to the time of day and the fact that the new valves <br />identified would significantly increase the number of residents without water, it was <br />decided to cancel the work and reschedule after the residents were notified of the <br />expanded shutdown. (PCO 83) <br />FINAL COST $6,476.88 <br />8. While removing and replacing curb ramps, curb and gutter, and sidewalk along <br />Broadway, it was determined at five locations additional work was needed to complete <br />the contract work. At Broadway and Halesworth the flow line needed to be adjusted to <br />eliminate ponding; at Broadway and Washington additional sidewalk needed to be <br />removed and replaced for the new curb ramp; at Broadway and 20th the drive approach <br />needed to be removed and replaced to accommodate egress issues; at Santa Clara <br />and Broadway an existing footing needed to be removed for the new curb ramp; and at <br />Broadway and Washington traffic signal conduits needed to be lowered for the new <br />curb ramp. This work was done on a time and material basis. (PCO 92) <br />FINAL COST $18,505.47 <br />