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CIT`" OF SANTA ANA <br />PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY <br />CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER <br />Project Number Project No. 116743 and 116415— Broadway <br />Rehabilitation and Water Main Improvements Change Order Number 3 <br />To Christensen Brothers General Engineering, Inc. Contractor <br />You are hereby directed to make the herein changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications <br />on this contract. <br />NOTE: THIS CHANGE ORDER IS NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OR CITY MANAGER. <br />Unless otherwise stated, rates for rental of equipment cover only such time as equipment is actually used and no allowance will be made for idle time. <br />Change requested by PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY <br />EXTRA WORK AT AGREED PRICE <br />1. Relocate the pedestrian push button and adjust the traffic signal pull box at the NE and SE corners <br />of loth and Broadway as directed per PCO 81. <br />AGREED PRICE $5,775.00 <br />2. Remove an existing 14" Wye and install a new 14" Butterfly valve at Washington and Broadway as <br />directed per PCO 82. <br />AGREED PRICE $8,799.60 <br />3. Demolish, remove, and dispose of an unforeseen traffic loop pressure plate at Santa Clara and <br />Broadway as directed per PCO 85. <br />AGREED PRICE $2,136.76 <br />4. Modify the striping at Halesworth, 10`h Street, Washington, and 15th Street as directed per PCO 86. <br />AGREED PRICE $636.26 <br />5. Remobilize and demolish C&G at Santa Clara and Broadway as directed per PCO 89. <br />AGREED PRICE $1,585.50 <br />6. Remove existing asphalt pavement and replace with 8" PCC at three locations north of 17`h Street, <br />approximately 2000 square feet, as directed per PCO 90. <br />AGREED PRICE $25,000.00 <br />EXTRA WORK AT TIME AND MATERIAL <br />7. Extra work caused by the inability to provide a proper shutdown of the 14" water main at Santa <br />Clara and Broadway as directed by the City of Santa Ana per PCO 83. <br />FINAL COST $6,476.88 <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />