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opportunity to share their best case management practices and updates on the changes occurred within <br />each Service Provider. One of the goals has been to provide the YSPN with all the tools necessary to <br />allow them to focus on providing services to the youth in Santa Ana. <br />The SAy'C continues to avail itself to all Service Providers for individualized training and technical <br />assistance. At times, when Service Providers have experienced staff' turnover, the SAWC staff readily <br />provided needed transitional and customized training to ensure continuity and consistency of service <br />delivery. Examples of training include eligibility requirements, intake process, activity setting_ case <br />management techniques, performance management, internal Provider policies n definitions, exit <br />strate?,ies and follow-up techniques. The training were tailored to meet the specific needs of each Service <br />Provider. The technical assistance mentioned above has proven to be beneficial when State Monitors <br />have performed audits of our YSPN youth files, documentation, process. and data vatitlation. Of the last <br />audits we received this past year, there were no major finding and their observations were positive. <br />ROADTRIP NATION EXPERIENCE PROGRAM <br />blue SAWC through collaboration with Roadtrip Nation, an independent organization that empowers <br />youth to define their road in life, plans to embed the Roadtrip Nation (RTN) Experience curriculum into <br />the Service Navigator's responsibility. The goals of the RTN Experience are to inspire and excite youth <br />about what they have or are studying in school, to connect youth's educational experience to their real <br />world experiences, and to expose youth to pathways that are relevant to their individual hopes and <br />dreams. The SA WC believes that bringing together youth from each Scrvice Providers program and the <br />program curriculum from the RTN, will help Youth gain a new perspective on education, gain exposure to <br />life, and career pathways that they may have not otherwise known existed. <br />The SAWC will implement Roadtrip Nation project-based curricultrn with 25 youth throughout program <br />year 2013-2014. All youth who participate will benefit from multiple perspectives that they would not <br />otherwise have had in their transition into adulthood. Multimedia materials and Interview Archive will be <br />provided to all participating youth as a toot in order to help them discover their own passions and <br />interests. Every youth will also receive a workbook to connect their theory-based online content to their <br />real-world experience. With the Interview Archive, youth will be able to hear directly from a broad ranue <br />ol' leaders who can describe what skills, education and/or training they needed to succeed and how they <br />navigated challenges to attain success. The RTN Experience offers participating youth the opportunity to <br />conduct their own interview with leaders in their field of interest. Youth will be trained on how to share <br />their insights and create a Roadtrip Profile. <br />The SAWC and Roadtrip Nation staff will work together to build and provide a range of support activities <br />to maintain youth engagement. Roadtrip Nation will host a series of training sessions to provide the <br />Service Navigator and other administrators with on-the-ground implementation information. In addition <br />to the up-front training, Roadtrip Nation will also provide ongoing technology and administrative support <br />to help drive fidelity throughout the term of the implementation. The signature Roadtrip Nation RV will <br />visit a taroeted site to further drive youth engagement. In essence, the RTN Experience gives youth the <br />tools to embark on a journey of self-discovery. It is built around three overarching themes, Exposure, <br />Self-Construction, and I lit the Road, the curriculum guides youth in exploring options. discoverin,1 their <br />interests. settine goals and mapping out a plan for success. Hearing directly from successful individuals <br />who have Billowed their dreams and navigated challenges to attain success in wildly diverse fields will <br />provide the youth a map for getting to the next stage in their own lives. Moreover, the combination of an <br />hrterview Archive, the real world experiential learning and reflective exercises will provide youth with <br />unprecedented exposure to pathways that are relevant to their individual hopes and dreams. <br />4