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/- /ACP FJ= 7G?C <br />LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, EXEMPLARY, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL <br />DAMAGES, INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL OR PROFITS <br />AND/OR LOSSES FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, EVEN IF HADRONEX <br />HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. <br />SECTION 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION <br />Each SmartCovero-S Unit includes the following: <br />• one (1) SmartCovere-S Electronics Unit (E Box) <br />• one (1) Ultrasonic Distance Sensing Module (DSM) with connecting cable. <br />• one (1) Communications antenna specifically designed for the service. <br />• one (1) SmartCovee PowerPackTM <br />Item Descriptions: <br />E-Box - The E-Box is an ABS plastic case that contains the satellite radio, <br />computer and other power supply and signal processing components. It is fully <br />potted and can be completely submerged in water and shock tested to 10 G's. <br />The E-Box meets IP-68 environmental standards. <br />Hadronex Inc. 381 Engel Street, Escondido, CA, 92026 <br />25E-15