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It should be noted that the proposed Merger does not affect the housing obligations and <br />would not reduce the overall commitment to the Project Areas. The Agency is legally <br />required to set -aside 20 percent of the gross tax increment that is generated within the <br />Project Areas (excluding Central City Project which is a pre -1976 redevelopment plan <br />and by law is exempt for the housing set -aside requirements). However, the Agency <br />exceeds the 20 percent set -aside for four of the five remaining Project Areas including <br />60 percent for the South Harbor Project and 30 percent for the Inter -City, North Harbor <br />and Bristol Corridor Projects. Agency staff will be preparing a new five -year <br />Implementation Plan for 2005 -2009 that will be adopted by the end of this year. This <br />2005 -2009 Implementation Plan will outline the goals, projects and programs, and <br />expenditures for the next five -year period, which is likely to include some of the <br />contemplated housing projects listed above. In addition, the housing component of the <br />Implementation Plan will contain a history of the residential units that were developed, <br />substantially rehabilitated and price restricted within the Project Areas to determine that <br />all very low -, low and moderate income housing requirements have been met. The <br />upcoming 2005 -2009 Implementation Plan is anticipated to provide a more extensive list <br />of Agency accomplishments related to affordable and market rate housing within the <br />Project Areas. <br />5. Comment: Could the merger divert necessary tax increment revenues from a specific <br />Project Area that may already have minimal tax increment revenues generated to <br />implement projects and programs? <br />Response: The merging of redevelopment project areas is to share tax increment <br />revenues among the project areas. For project areas that receive more tax increment <br />than is currently needed to implement projects and programs,.this tax increment can <br />assist the "poorer project areas" that do not have sufficient tax increment revenues to <br />fund the desired projects and pay existing obligations. The benefit of merging the <br />Project Areas is to allow the Agency to prioritize projects where needs are the greatest. <br />Currently, most of the tax increment revenues from the Project Areas are committed to <br />existing debt and obligations and, therefore, cannot be used to implement new projects <br />and programs. The decision on how the discretionary increment will be allocated <br />amongst the Project Areas will be decided and identified in the upcoming 2005 -2009 <br />Implementation Plan to the degree possible and will be addressed annually in the <br />City /Agency's budgeting process. <br />6. Comment: How does the proposed Merger relate to the Five -Year Implementation <br />Plan? <br />Response: The proposed Merger will not affect or change the existing Implementation <br />Plan. The upcoming 2005 -2009 Implementation Plan will be prepared and adopted in a <br />separate process. It is anticipated that Agency staff will prepare a draft of the 2005 -2009 <br />Implementation Plan for presentation to the community in the fall of this year. <br />Subsequently, the 2005 -2009 Implementation Plan will be submitted to the Commission <br />Paae 5.5 of ran <br />RUPU L io uHa Uiry uouncu Tor the Merger of the <br />Santa Ana Redevelopment Projects <br />PA0403012.8NTA:CK:gbd <br />19090,003.004106126104 <br />Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br />Page 44 <br />