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090704 Jt PH Adotpion Amend Merger SA Redvlp Proj Areas EXHIBIT 2
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
Successor Agency (Formerly the Community Redevelopment Agency) (1974-Present)
090704 Jt PH Adotpion Amend Merger SA Redvlp Proj Areas EXHIBIT 2
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VIII. COMMUNITY CONSULTATIONS <br />Section 33352(i) of the CRL requires that the Agency's Report to the City Council contain the <br />summary referred to in Section 33387. Section 33387 of the CRL refers to the consultations <br />with the PAC, if any. <br />There is no existing PAC for any of the existing Project Areas, On March 15, 2004, the City <br />Council by Resolution No. 2004 -017, found and determined that the proposed Amendments do <br />not include a provision to grant additional authority to acquire by eminent domain or add territory <br />to the existing Project Areas; therefore, a Project Area Committee was not required to be <br />formed in connection with the proposed Amendments (Appendix C). <br />In lieu of a PAC, the Agency will consult with and obtained the advice of property owners, <br />business owners, tenants, community organizations, and other interested parties at a <br />community information meeting to be held on August 10, 2004 at 6:00 p, m. Notice of this <br />meeting will be mailed to all of the occupants and property owners within the Project Areas in <br />conjunction with the notice on the joint public hearing on the Amendments adoption. The notice <br />of the community information meeting and joint public hearing on the Amendments will also be <br />published on August 2 and 9, 2004, in the Orange County Register or other newspaper of <br />general circulation. Copies of the meeting notice and a summary of the meeting will be included <br />within a supplement to this Report prior to the adoption of the proposed Amendments. It is <br />anticipated that the community information meeting will consist of a presentation including an <br />overview of redevelopment in Santa Ana, and the purposes of the proposed Amendments, <br />followed by a comment, question and answer session. Copies of the Owner Participation Rules, <br />Existing Plans, proposed Amendments and map of the Project Areas will be available for <br />review. <br />The Agency and the City Council will also consult and obtain the advice of property owners and <br />occupants on the adoption of the Amendments at a joint public hearing scheduled for <br />September 7, 2004. Per CRL Section 33349, the Agency will send a first class mailing <br />containing the required notice of joint public hearing to the last known assessee (the "property <br />owner ") of each parcel of land and to all tenants and business owners within the Project Areas. <br />This notice (referenced above) will explain the purpose of the joint public hearing and contain <br />other pertinent information such as the meeting date, time and location. The notice of joint <br />public hearing will also be published in a newspaper of record (Orange County Register) for five <br />(5) consecutive weeks, in compliance with the CRL. The days of publication are scheduled for <br />August 2, 9 (which as noted above will include notice at a community information meeting), 16, <br />23 and 30, 2004. <br />Page 57 of 190 <br />Report to the City Council for the Merger of the Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br />Santa Ana Redevelopment Projects Page 46 <br />PA0403012.3NTA:CK:a bd <br />
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