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X. NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACT REPORT AS WARRANTED BY THE PROPOSED <br />AMENDMENTS <br />Section 33352(m) of the CRL requires that the Agency's Report to the City Council contain a <br />neighborhood impact report if the redevelopment project contains low or moderate income <br />housing. The purpose of the neighborhood impact report is to describe in detail the impact of <br />the proposed actions upon the residents of the project area and surrounding areas in terms of <br />relocation, traffic circulation, environmental quality, availability of community facilities and <br />services, effect on school population and quality of education, property assessments and taxes, <br />and other matters affecting the physical and social quality of the neighborhood. The <br />neighborhood impact report is also to include: (a) the number of dwelling units housing persons <br />and families of low or moderate income expected to be destroyed or removed from the low and <br />moderate income housing market as part of the redevelopment project; (b) the number of <br />persons and families (households) of low or moderate income expected to be displaced by the <br />project; (c) the general location of housing to be rehabilitated, developed, or constructed <br />pursuant to Section 33413 of the CRL; (d) the number of dwelling units housing persons and <br />families of low and moderate income planned for construction or rehabilitation, other than <br />replacement housing; (e) the projected means of financing the proposed dwelling units for <br />housing persons and families of low and moderate income planned for construction or <br />rehabilitation, and (f) a projected timetable for meeting the relocation, rehabilitation and <br />replacement housing objectives. <br />Neighborhood impact reports for each of the constituent Project Areas that comprise the <br />Merged Project Area were a required component of the Reports to the City Council <br />prepared for each of the Redevelopment Plans when they were initially adopted and are <br />incorporated herein by reference. The following sections update, as warranted by the <br />proposed Amendments, the neighborhood impact report for the Merged Project Area. <br />A. IMPACT ON RESIDENTS IN THE PROJECT AREAS AND SURROUNDING <br />AREAS <br />1. Relocation <br />As previously stated, the primary purpose of the proposed Amendment is to merge the <br />Project Areas by combining tax increment revenues from the Project Areas and allocate <br />the revenues throughout the entire Merged Project Area. The proposed Merged Project <br />Area contains residential dwelling units, a portion of which are assumed to be occupied <br />by low or moderate income persons or families. Any non - voluntary or voluntary <br />displacement which occurs as a result of Agency redevelopment activities will be <br />mitigated by relocation assistance including financial payments, advisory assistance, <br />and replacement housing plan provisions of state law relating to Agency assisted <br />developments. These provisions are further described in the Agency's Method or Plan <br />for Relocation, which is included in Section VI of this Report. <br />Page 59 of 190 <br />Report to the City Council for the Merger of the Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br />Santa Ana Redevelopment Projects Page 48 <br />PA0403012, SNTA'AK 9bd <br />19090.003.004106 /28104 <br />