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It is anticipated that existing non - residential, underutilized and vacant parcels will be <br />selected as first development sites. However, from time to time throughout the <br />remaining life of the Redevelopment Plans, residential displacement and relocation may <br />occur in conjunction with eminent domain proceedings (as this authority exists in each of <br />the Redevelopment Plans except in the Bristol Corridor Project) and voluntarily <br />negotiated acquisitions. Displacement and relocation resulting from redevelopment <br />activity are generally dependent upon the following factors: <br />Market demand for various types of development; <br />Availability of funds to finance redevelopment activities; and <br />Agency's ability to meet applicable relocation and housing replacement <br />requirements under the CRL for low and moderate income families. <br />Residents will not be displaced unless and until there are suitable relocation facilities <br />available for occupancy at rents or costs comparable to those paid at the time of <br />displacement. The Agency will assist residents in finding housing, that is decent, safe <br />and sanitary and within their financial means, in reasonably convenient locations and <br />otherwise suitable to their needs. As previously stated, any displacement which occurs <br />as a result of Agency redevelopment activities will <br />including financial payments, advisory assistance, <br />be mitigated by relocation assistance <br />and replacement housing plan <br />provisions of State law relating to Agency assisted developments. <br />Additionally, it is possible that implementation of the proposed Amendments may require <br />the temporary or permanent displacement and relocation of non - residential occupants <br />within the proposed Merged Project Area. In every case, the Agency will diligently use <br />its best efforts to attempt to find relocation sites meeting the required needs of the <br />individual business displaced by the Agency activity as required by law. Furthermore, <br />the Agency will work with property owners to provide every opportunity for them to <br />participate in the rehabilitation or redevelopment of their own properties and /or other <br />properties in the Merged Project Area. The Agency will additionally offer re -entry <br />opportunities where feasible to existing business owners and tenants on a preference <br />basis. <br />Traffic Circulation <br />The proposed Amendments to merge the Project Areas are considered technical <br />amendments to the existing Redevelopment Plans and, therefore, no additional <br />environmental impacts to traffic circulation are anticipated. As described in the Negative <br />Declaration (Appendix D), the adoption of the Amendments would not have a direct <br />impact on traffic volumes, roadway configurations, emergency access or level of <br />services established in the County of Orange Congestion Management Plan or <br />alternative nodes of transportation. Future redevelopment activities implemented within <br />the proposed Merged Project Area could potentially result in adverse traffic impacts. <br />Page 60 of 190 <br />Report to the City Council for the Merger of the Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br />Santa Ana Redevelopment Projects <br />PA0403012.SNTA:CK:gbd <br />19090.003.004106 /28/04 <br />e3. K <br />Page 49 <br />iriJ <br />