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090704 Jt PH Adotpion Amend Merger SA Redvlp Proj Areas EXHIBIT 2
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
Successor Agency (Formerly the Community Redevelopment Agency) (1974-Present)
090704 Jt PH Adotpion Amend Merger SA Redvlp Proj Areas EXHIBIT 2
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However, through the City's development review process, future redevelopment <br />activities implemented within the proposed Merged Project Area would be evaluated for <br />potential traffic impacts. Where needed, mitigation measures, such as traffic <br />improvements and traffic impact fees would be required to avoid or minimize potential <br />traffic impacts. <br />3. Environmental Quality <br />The environmental impacts of the proposed Merger were analyzed in the Negative <br />Declaration referenced in Section IX of this Report. The Negative Declaration analyzed <br />impacts on the following: aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, <br />geology and soils, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, noise, <br />population and housing, public services, recreation, transportation /traffic, and utilities <br />and service systems, agriculture resources, land use and planning, and mineral <br />resources. However, it was determined that of all the issues above would have either a <br />less than significant impact or no environmental impacts as a result of the proposed <br />Amendments. The Negative Declaration is included within this Report as Appendix D. <br />4. Community Facilities and Services <br />The Negative Declaration also analyzed impacts on community services. Impacts to fire <br />protection, police protection, and schools were considered. No significant or potentially <br />significant impacts were found or stated for any of the community services or public <br />utilities analyzed in the Negative Declaration. The proposed Amendments are intended <br />to assist in funding the upgrading and installation of public improvements and facilities, <br />which would include improvements to traffic, water, sewer, and drainage systems. <br />Police /fire personnel, schools, libraries and parks provide a wide range of services that <br />are affected by population increases. The proposed Amendments would assist in the <br />elimination of barriers to General Plan growth, thus potentially increasing the Merged <br />Project Area's population over existing conditions. However, based on the findings of <br />the Negative Declaration, community services will not be impacted by physical <br />environmental effects created by the Amendments. <br />Approval of the proposed Amendments would not directly generate additional demands <br />for Police Department and Fire Department services over current levels of demand. <br />However, future redevelopment activities implemented within the Merged Project Area <br />could generate additional demands for Police Department and Fire Department services. <br />Both the Police Department and the Fire Department will be given the opportunity to <br />review and comment on the design of any proposed redevelopment project within the <br />proposed Merged Project Area that could affect public or fire safety. In addition, efforts <br />to eliminate blight in the Merged Project Area and public facilities and service programs <br />may have a beneficial impact on police service levels. <br />Page 61 of 190 <br />Report to the City Council for the Merger of the Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. <br />Santa Ana Redevelopment Projects Page 50 <br />PA0403012.SNTA:GK:9bd <br />
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