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CUP No. 04 -24, DA No. 04 -03, TTM No. 04 -05, <br />JA No. 04 -11, ZOA No. 04 -05 and SPR No. 04 -06 <br />November 22, 2004 <br />Page 8 <br />Approval of the tract map will also <br />policies of the General Plan. The <br />encourages residential development that <br />to neighborhood character (Exhibit 9). <br />Variance <br />be consistent with the goals and <br />General Plan Land Use Element <br />provides a positive contribution <br />The applicant is requesting approval of a variance to reduce the <br />required setbacks on MacArthur Boulevard and Imperial Promenade. In <br />December 1987, the City Council adopted the MacArthur Place Specific <br />Development Plan to encourage a comprehensive planning effort within one <br />of the last major development parcels in the City. The objectives of <br />the specific plan included promoting a visually harmonious development <br />as viewed both internally and externally, providing landscaping that is <br />appropriate to the level of development and to encourage flexibility in <br />development while achieving overall City and community goals. <br />The original development concept for this site was for an office <br />building that would accommodate building setback requirements found <br />within the SD -43 document. However, due to a high demand for housing, <br />low demand for office buildings and a scarcity of available land, the <br />applicant is proposing a high -rise condominium development. To <br />accommodate this development, the applicant is proposing a variance to <br />reduce the required setback for this project from 30 feet along any <br />street frontage to a 15 -foot setback on Imperial Promenade and a 20 -foot <br />setback along MacArthur Boulevard. <br />Staff is supportive of the setback variance for two reasons. First, the <br />proposed setbacks will be consistent with the setbacks approved for the <br />DoubleTree Hotel located directly west of the project site. Second, the <br />applicant is proposing enhancements to the project to mitigate the <br />reduced setbacks. The project will incorporate upgraded architectural <br />materials along MacArthur Boulevard as well as an upgraded landscaped <br />palette along both street frontages. <br />Zoning Ordinance Amendment <br />The MacArthur Place District Center plan was approved to allow the <br />construction of an "urban village" development where office, retail and <br />residential activities would coexist in an attractive, well - planned <br />development. The primary focus of the project was the development of <br />