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CUP No. 04 -24, DA No <br />VA No. 04 -11, ZOA No <br />November 22, 2004 <br />Page 9 <br />04 -03, TTM No. 04 -05, <br />04 -05 and SPR No. 04 -06 <br />approximately 4 million square feet of office space, with 400 ancillary, <br />multi - family residential units approved to encourage the "village" <br />concept. To further promote the original concepts of MacArthur Place, the <br />applicant is proposing to amend the SD -43 document to allow the project to <br />exceed the 400 units permitted in MacArthur Place (Exhibit 10). <br />MacArthur Place currently has two residential developments with a total of <br />346 units. The Pinnacle Apartments, located at the northeast corner of <br />Main Street and MacArthur Boulevard, was approved in 1993 and contains 253 <br />units. The recently completed Vantage Townhomes development was approved <br />to allow 93 for -sale units. The Geneva Commons project will require two <br />amendments to the SD -43 zoning document. Amendments are needed to Section <br />III.A.2 (Maximum Permitted Building Density/ Intensity) and to Section V. <br />(Development Standards /Residential Permitted Density) of the SD -43 <br />document. Both of these provisions restrict residential development <br />within MacArthur Place to 400 units. Staff is proposing these sections be <br />modified to allow 624 units, which will include the existing 346 units and <br />the proposed 278 -unit development. <br />Site Plan Approval <br />Finally, the applicant is requesting site plan approval for the project. <br />Section 41- 593.5(c) of the Santa Ana Municipal Code requires a review of <br />all plans within a Specific Development Plan area by the Planning <br />Commission to ensure the project is in conformity with the Specific <br />Plan. The review also ensures that the buildings, structures and <br />grounds are in keeping with the neighborhood and will not be detrimental <br />to the development of the Specific Development area. After analyzing the <br />project, staff has found that the project will be in compliance with all <br />applicable standards of the City's General Plan, the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code and the MacArthur Place Specific Development Plan document. Further, <br />the project design is in keeping with the MacArthur Place community, with <br />the project improving the desirability of investment in the area as the <br />project continues to show the successes of MacArthur Place. <br />Airport Land Use Commission <br />In accordance with State law, the building height for the 18 -story tower <br />(250 feet from grade) and the project's close proximity to the John Wayne <br />Airport required the project to be submitted to the Airport Land Use <br />Commission (ALUC) for a determination of consistency with the Airport <br />Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for John Wayne Airport. To comply with <br />