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Councilmember Benavides proposed water feature at entrance; supports <br />project that will allow for a more walkable community; echoed comments <br />by Councilmember Sarmiento formula will lend itself to have more units <br />and have mixed use; architectural design is impressive; proposed <br />amendment Condition 9. <br />Executive Director of Planning and Building Trevino noted that Housing <br />Opportunity Ordinance will bring over $1 million to the City. <br />Councilmember Martinez noted that active living communities is the <br />direction the Council is taking; need parking reform; support developments <br />that make sense for the community; <br />Mayor Pulido asked developer if Bob Bisno involved; how far is City Place <br />parking from proposed development; and opined that parking codes <br />outdated and tandem parking will assist; 64 units are single bedrooms; <br />supports strong economic market. <br />Executive Director of Planning and Building Trevino noted that parking <br />analyzed and will be sufficient. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Tinajero commented that project followed sunshine <br />ordinance - transparency and inclusionary clause required on <br />development projects. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento proposed that water feature use recycled <br />water. <br />MOTION: <br />1. Approve and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and <br />Mitigation Monitoring Program, Environmental Review No. 2013 -14. <br />2. Place ordinance on first reading and authorize publication of title. <br />ORDINANCE NO. NS -2854 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AMENDING SPECIFIC <br />DEVELOPMENT NO. 59 (SD -59) TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION <br />OF A MULTI - FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT WITH 182 UNITS AT <br />301 EAST JEANETTE WAY (ZOA NO. 2013 -03) <br />3. Adopt a resolution and amend Condition #9 to read as follows: <br />A detailed water feature plan must be reviewed and approved <br />prior to issuance of any building permits. The plan shall include a <br />minimum of one water feature within each courtyard, and also at <br />one prominent project entry location that is visible to the public, <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 21 NOVEMBER 4, 2013 <br />